Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:If I forget my master passcode, or if I want to delete all my records, can I just reset my Logio?
A:Your Logio does not have a reset button because we do not want you to accidentally reset it and lose all your data and because we do not want the finder of a lost Logio to be able to use it and therefore have less incentive to return it to its owner. However, you can delete as many individual records as you want to, one at at time.
Q: Are there any “back door” ways for Atek to get into my Logio and see my data?
A:Not only would we not want to do that, but also we cannot. Even though we know the security architecture of the product, your master passcode protects your data. Your data is encrypted and we have no way to decrypt it.
Q:Why does it sometimes take a few seconds to save edited or new records or to search for records?
A:Logio uses sophisticated encryption algorithms to protect your data. The more records you have, the more processing effort it takes to do these encryption operations. The screen will display the message “Please wait…” while processing.
Q: One or more records are missing. What happened to the record(s)?
A:Perhaps you did not properly save the record or you accidentally deleted it. Another possibility is that there was a memory writing error in the Logio hardware. If such an error is detected, the record is skipped and will no longer display and you will need to recreate it. Such errors should be extremely rare.
Q: What should I do if my Logio gets stuck (“hangs”, “locks up”)?
A:With all electronic devices, electrostatic discharges and unexpected input could cause lockups. Although this should be a rare occurrence, if this happens with your Logio (and we would appreciate you reporting the details of the situation to our technical support department if it does), you can remove the battery and then put it back in and that should in most circumstances resolve the problem. Note that data loss or corruption can also result from such lockups
Q: Is there a way to back up my records or create a duplicate Logio with the same
Logio User’s Manual, page 46