Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Desktop Messaging 31
•Do not select the Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) check box.
5Click Next.
A message appears that confirms the changes.
6Click Finish.
To configure access to the CallPilot Address Book
1In Outlook, on the Tools menu click
2Select Add a new directory or address book, and then click Next.
3Select Internet Directory Service (LDAP) and then click Next.
4In the Server Name box, type the CallPilot FQDN.
5Click Next.
A message appears that confirms the changes.
6Click Finish.
To configure text formatting
1In Outlook, on the Tools menu click Options.
2Click the Mail Format tab.
3In the Message Format section, select Plain Text.
4Click OK.
CallPilot Desktop Messaging Installation and Maintenance Guide