Problem | Probable Cause | Corrective Action | Ref. Page |
Repeater cannot be | 1 Wrong tone frequency is selected. | 1 Press [F], [TONE] to select a | 13 |
accessed. |
| proper repeater access tone. |
| 2 Wrong repeater offset frequency | 2 Access Menu No. 6 (OFFSET) | 12 |
| is selected. | and select an appropriate shift |
| frequency. |
| 3 Wrong shift direction is selected. | 3 Try other shift directions. | 12 |
DTMF tone cannot be | DTMF Lock is ON. | Access Menu No. 14 (DTMF LOCK) | 32 |
transmitted. |
| and select “OFF”. |
Repeater does not | DTMF tone duration is too short. | Access Menu No. 11 (DTMF SPD) | 32 |
accept your DTMF |
| and select “SLOW”. |
tones. |
Transceiver trasmits | VOX function is ON. | Press [F], [SQL] to turn the VOX | 41 |
without pressing the |
| function OFF. |
PTT switch. |
The transceiver | The Automatic Power Off (APO) | Access Menu No. 18 (APO) and | 36 |
switches OFF for no | function is programmed. | turn the APO function OFF. |
apparent reason. |
The output power is | The temperature of the transceiver’s | Turn the transceiver OFF or let the | 51 |
reduced and the “H” | chassis becomes too high to transmit | transceiver cool down in the receive |
icon blinks. | at high output power. The internal | mode for a while. |
| thermal protection circuits lowered |
| the output power level. |
The transceiver returns | The transmission time exceeded | The | 40 |
to receive mode after a | 10 minutes. | transmission if you continuously |
long transmission. |
| transmit for over 10 minutes. You |
| cannot turn this function OFF. It is |
| necessary to protect the transceiver |
| from the thermal damage. |
The scan function does | You have selected “SEEK” for Menu | Select either “TIME” or “CARRIER” | 27 |
not resume the | No. 1 (SCAN RESUME). | for Menu No. 1 (SCAN RESUME). |
scanning after the |
transceiver detects a |
signal. |