AE/LZB 119 1902 R1A
Digital I/O Lines
The balanced RxIF and RxIF_B (B implies “Barred” indicating that the condition is true when the line is low) lines connect through resistor and capacitor RF decoupling circuits to HILLARY D701. RxIF connects through resistors R715 and R714 and capacitor C707 to D701, Pin 8. RxIF_B connects through resistors R717 and R718 and capacitor C709 to D701, Pin 7. Both of these lines connect to a Phase Digitizer internal to D701.
Phase Digitizer (D701)
The phase digitizer demodulates the 450 kHz IF to recover the digitized receive audio. The output of the phase demodulator is connected to Rx DSP Interface (Refer to Schematic Diagram, Sheet 13). The Rx DSP Interface output of D701 connects to the DSP module through D701, Pin 69 (RXSIF_DSPDATA), Pin 73 (RXSIF_DSPCLK) and Pin 74 (RXIF_DSPSYNC). DSP interface lines connect to DSP TDR (TDM DATA RX), DSP TCKDR (TDM CLOCK RX) and DSP TRSR (TDM FRAME SYNC TX) respectively. These lines can be metered on the DSP module at test points TP8 (data), TP15 (clock) and TP14 (sync), respectively.
DSP Module
The Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Module does all the Channel Guard filtering, provides squelch, audio mute, 1.5, 3, and 4.5 dB of volume attenuation and changes the digitized audio into an analog signal. The output of the DSP module is on
Host Interface
The PCM_DSPEAR line connects to D701, Pin 64 and goes to the PCM/DSP HOST INTERFACE. The audio output of D701 is on Pin 40 (PCM_CDCEAR) and connects to D601, Pin 34 (DPCI).
This signal (PCM_CDCEAR) is then put through a decoder, low pass filter, volume control circuit and an amplifier. The low pass filter, filters out an 8 kHz sample rate. The volume control provides 24 dB in 6 dB steps. The output of D601 is on Pin 22 (RXAUDIO). The signal can be metered at test point TP601. At maximum volume there should be 350 mVolts RMS
Operational Amplifier (N300)
This signal (RXAUD1) connects through capacitor C611 and resistor R625 to operational amplifier N300, Pin 6
Audio Power Amplifier (N600)
This signal is attenuated through resistor R629 then coupled through coupling capacitor C613 to audio power amplifier N600A, Pin 7 (+IN). This signal is also connected through resistor R628 and coupling capacitor C612 to the Universal Device Connector (UDC_AUDIO_OUT). The audio input to N600A can be metered at test point TP602 and at maximum volume should be 250