Lincoln Electric SP-255 manual 8OPERATION, Typical Toggle KEY Press Sequence

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The first time this key is pressed it turns on toggle mode and recalls the setup in memory 4. This mode allows you to toggle between the setups in memory 4 and memory 5. Each time the key is pressed, it alter- nates between the two memories. The toggle screen displays the memory number the current setup was recalled from, indicates automatic (AUTO:) or manual (MAN:) mode, displays gauge if in Auto mode, set wire feed speed, and set arc voltage. The cursor underlines the memory number currently selected.

If in AUTO mode, an up or down arrow which shows whether the arc voltage has been adjusted above or below the recommended level can also be on the dis- play (see “Procedure Keys” in operation section). Also Spot or Stitch timer status will be displayed in the lower left-hand corner if either timer is active.

The gun thumbswitch functions as a Toggle key in Toggle mode. Pushing the gun thumbswitch forward (toward the tip) selects the setup in memory 5, and pulling it back selects the setup in memory 4 (see Gun Thumbswitch Section). The gun thumbswitch also functions with the trigger closed for “on the fly” changes during a weld.

To turn toggle mode off, press Auto, Manual, or any Memory Number key.


Any changes made to settings in toggle mode are not automatically saved when power is removed, or if toggle mode is turned off. To save these changes, press the Save key and then the memo- ry number key that was currently displayed on the toggle screen (4 or 5), “toggle” then press the Save key and then the other Memory Number key that was displayed after the toggle (5 or 4). When power is returned, the machine will not be in tog- gle mode, but will contain the settings present when power was removed so you may continue to weld right where you left off or press Toggle key to return to toggle mode.

Left arrow keys — If metal thickness is displayed, these keys will increase (up arrow) or decrease (down arrow) it; otherwise, they perform no func- tion.

Center arrow keys — Increases (up arrow) or decreases (down arrow) wire feed speed setting. If in Auto mode, increasing or decreasing wire feed speed will simultaneously cause an increase or decrease in the arc voltage and can change the


metal thickness setting.

Right arrow keys — Increases (up arrow) or decreases (down arrow) arc voltage setting. If in Auto mode, an up arrow indicator appears below the V in VOLTS if the arc voltage has been set higher than the recommended value, and a down arrow indicator appears below the V in VOLTS if the arc voltage is below the recommended value. No arrow indicates that you are set to the recom- mended value.


Auto screen is displayed prior to pressing Toggle key. Toggle key is pressed, memory 4 is recalled and appears on the display. The unit is now in toggle mode. Pressing the Toggle key again or pushing the gun thumbswitch forward (toward the gun tip) “tog- gles” the unit, and memory 5 is recalled and appears on the display. Pressing the Toggle key again or pulling the gun thumbswitch back (toward the gun cable) “toggles” the unit, and memory 4 is recalled and appears on the display. This whole cycle is repeatable as long as the unit remains in Toggle mode.

When the Toggle key is pressed and the setup in memory 4 or 5 is an Auto mode type and it requires a different wire type, wire diameter, or welding gas, a message (see below) will be displayed for 2.5 sec- onds telling you which memory does not match the process set in the machine, and then the screen will return to the previous display. In order to see what process is required, press the Memory Number key of

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Contents Safety Depends on You Idealarc SP-255Safety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Welding Sparks can cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’ArcThank You Master Table of Contents for ALL Sections Section D Section ESection F AppendixINSTALLATIONA-1 Technical Specifications Idealarc SP-2552INSTALLATION Safety PrecautionsInput Power and Grounding Connections Uncrating the SP-255Output Polarity Connection INSTALLATIONA-3GUN and Cable Installation 4INSTALLATION Shielding GASOPERATIONB-1 Fumes and Gases can be dangerous2OPERATION Recommended Processes and EquipmentWelding Capability LimitationsOPERATIONB-3 Start Mode SelectionsProcess WIRE/GAS KEY Procedure Keys 4OPERATIONAuto KEY Typical Auto KEY Press SequencesOPERATIONB-5 Memory KeysTimer Keys 6OPERATIONTypical Memory Number KEY Press Sequence Spot KEYGUN Switch Keys OPERATIONB-78OPERATION Typical Toggle KEY Press SequenceUsing 4-STEP Trigger Interlock Function OPERATIONB-9Step Trigger Interlock Keys Typical Activate KEY Press SequenceGUN Switches Wire Drive RollProcedure for Changing Drive Roll Wire Reel LoadingIdle Roll Pressure Setting OPERATIONB-11To Start the Welder Feeding ElectrodeMaking AN Auto Mode Weld 12OPERATIONOPERATIONB-13 Wire Feed Overload Protection Explanation of Prompting and Error Messages14OPERATION Welding Thermal Overload ProtectionOPERATIONB-15 Operation ACCESSORIESC-1 2ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIESC-3 Disabling Spool GUNIdealarc SP-255 MAINTENANCED-1 Safety PrecautionsCable Cleaning Routine Maintenance2MAINTENANCE Liner Removal ReplacementMagnum 250SP GUN Parts and Accessories MAINTENANCED-3GUN Handle Disassembly Idealarc SP-255 TROUBLESHOOTINGE-1 HOW to USE Troubleshooting Guide2TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting GuideProblems Possible Areas Symptoms Misadjustments Authorized Field Service FacilityTROUBLESHOOTINGE-3 Contact your local Lincoln 4TROUBLESHOOTINGAuthorized Field Service Facility TROUBLESHOOTINGE-5 Function Problems6TROUBLESHOOTING Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service FacilityWiring Diagrams SP-255 Wiring Diagram L9688 Dual VoltageWiring Diagrams Dimension Print Page Page Page Page How To Read Shop Drawings $700.00Precaucion Warnung Limited Warranty