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Coaxial welding cables are specially designed welding cables for pulse welding or STT welding. Coaxial weld cables feature low inductance, allowing fast changes in the weld current. Regular cables have a higher induc- tance which may distort the pulse or STT wave shape. Inductance becomes more severe as the weld cables become longer.
Coaxial weld cables are recommended for all pulse and STT welding, especially when the total weld cable length (electrode cable + work cable) exceeds 50 feet (7.6m)
A coaxial weld cable is constructed by 8 small leads wrapped around one large lead. The large inner lead connects to the electrode stud on the power source and the electrode connection on the wire feeder. The small leads combine together to form the work lead, one end attached to the power source and the other end to the work piece. (See Coaxial weld Cable below.)
Connect a work lead of sufficient size between the proper output stud on the power source and the work. Be sure the connection to the work makes tight metal to metal electrical contact. Poor work lead connections can result in poor welding performance.
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Power Source
Work Electrode
Coaxial Weld Cable | Wire Feeder | |
Electrode | ||
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