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7.Once the top of the bracket assem- bly is disengaged from the top center panel the bracket assembly can be removed from the bottom of the case by sliding the bracket assembly towards the front of the machine. The locking tab on the bottom of the bracket will have to be lifted slightly to enable the assembly to slide freely towards the front.
8.With the bracket assembly out of the machine the filter capacitors can be removed by loosening the capacitor clamps and sliding the filter capaci- tors out of the assembly.
Note: Before removing the capaci- tors precisely mark where the capac- itors are positioned in the clamp. This is important so the new capaci- tor terminals will align with the holes in the power board. Also mark
polarity configuration for reassembly purposes.
9.Install the new capacitors taking note of position in the clamp and also polarity location.
10.Using the slot head screwdriver tighten the clamps.
11.Install the heatsink/power board bracket assembly (with new capaci-
tors installed) into the machine by first positioning the bottom of the bracket into the slots in the case bottom and sliding the bracket assembly towards the rear of the machine.
12.Carefully position the top of the heatsink/power board bracket assembly into the top center panel and slide the panel towards the rear of the machine while holding the heatsink/power board mounting bracket in place.
13.Using the 5/16’
14.Using the 5/16”