Toshiba STE 58762 instruction manual - 2-8 -

Page 22

STE 58762

Vector type data other than the vector type global variable such as data taught by the data editor are temporarily stored in the working area of the controller. The data are not created in the file. The vector type variable can be used only in the declared program. Thus, even if the same variable is used in another program, the content of the former does not accord with that of the latter. When data are passed from one program to another program, the passed data should be redefined as the vector type global variable or it should be an argument. For details of arguments, see "2.8.2 Subprograms."

(1) Positional data

Positional data is used by the robot to describe positions. Positional vectors have the following format.

(X, Y, Z, C, T, <configuration>)

X, Y, Z, C and T are coordinate values represented by real numbers. Units are in millimeters or degrees.

<Configuration> holds an integer from 0 to 2 that describes the set-up configuration of the system.

0... Free (Set-up of the system is undefined)

1... Left hand system

2... Right hand system

(2)Coordinate data

Coordinate data is used by the robot to specify coordinate systems. Coordinate vectors have the following format:

(X, Y, z, C)

X, Y, Z and C are coordinate values represented by real numbers. Units are in millimeters or degrees.

Coordinate vectors allow one to convert between different coordinate systems as shown in Figure

2.1.In the figure, we have an original coordinate system X, Y and Z. Then, with data provided by a coordinate vector (x, y, z, c), the original coordinate system is shifted parallel along its axes by the amounts x, y and z. This forms a new coordinate system centered about 0'. Once this is done, we twist the new coordinate system around the Z' axis by an amount c. We are now finished orientating our new coordinate system.


Image 22
Contents Industrial Robot SR Series Robot Language Manual STE- i - Preface - ii -- iii - Variables and Constants ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Table of Contents AN Outline of Robot LanguageRemarks and COMMENTS・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Things to Watch OUT for When Writing a PROGRAM・・ Explanation of Robot CommandsThings not to do When Programming ・・・・・・・・・ Program Examples Programming Hints and WarningsAppendix a List of Commands ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・HOW to Read Symbols ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Appendix B List of Reserved Words ・・・・・・・・・・・・・Robot Movement Chapter AN Outline of Robot Language- 1-1 - - 1-2 - Robot movement- 1-3 - Robot Language- 1-4 - Types of Commands - 1-5 -- 1-6 - - 1-7 - Files Program ConfigurationChapter Writing Programs in Robot Language ProgramPositional Data - 2-2 -Character SET - 2-3 -- 2-4 - IdentifiersS H I B a R O B O T Scalar Data Variables and Constants - 2-5 - - 2-6 - Vector Data - 2-7 -- 2-8 - - 2-9 - STE System Variables - 2-10 -System Constants - 2-11 -Mathematical Functions - 2-12 -Computational Expressions - 2-13 -- 2-14 - AND, or- 2-15 - - 2-16 - - 2-17 - - 2-18 - Logical ExpressionsIf J1 then Goto BRANCH1 Else Goto BRANCH2 - 2-19 - LabelsLOOP1 Move P1 Goto LOOP1 - 2-20 - Move P1 This Command Moves the Robot to P1Remarks and Comments Remark this Program WAS Written by MEProgram Declaration Programs- 2-21 - STE Subprograms - 2-22 -Program Main Remark *** Sample - 2-23 -Program Subexample M1, M2, M3 Print K ENDLibrary - 2-24 -STE Multitask Processing - 2-25 -- 2-26 - - 2-27 - Global Global Variable Definition- 2-28 - END ProgramDIM D10 AS INT - 2-29 -DIM F5 AS Point