Toshiba STE 58762 instruction manual - i -

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STE 58762

Copyright 1997 by Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without obtaining prior written permission from the Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd.

The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.


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Contents Industrial Robot SR Series Robot Language Manual STE- i - Preface - ii -- iii - Remarks and COMMENTS・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Table of Contents AN Outline of Robot LanguageVariables and Constants ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Things to Watch OUT for When Writing a PROGRAM・・ Explanation of Robot CommandsThings not to do When Programming ・・・・・・・・・ Program Examples Programming Hints and WarningsAppendix a List of Commands ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・HOW to Read Symbols ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Appendix B List of Reserved Words ・・・・・・・・・・・・・- 1-1 - Chapter AN Outline of Robot LanguageRobot Movement - 1-2 - Robot movement- 1-3 - Robot Language- 1-4 - Types of Commands - 1-5 -- 1-6 - - 1-7 - Files Program ConfigurationChapter Writing Programs in Robot Language ProgramPositional Data - 2-2 -Character SET - 2-3 -S H I B a R O B O T Identifiers- 2-4 - - 2-5 - Variables and ConstantsScalar Data - 2-6 - Vector Data - 2-7 -- 2-8 - - 2-9 - STE System Variables - 2-10 -System Constants - 2-11 -Mathematical Functions - 2-12 -Computational Expressions - 2-13 -- 2-14 - AND, or- 2-15 - - 2-16 - - 2-17 - If J1 then Goto BRANCH1 Else Goto BRANCH2 Logical Expressions- 2-18 - LOOP1 Move P1 Goto LOOP1 Labels- 2-19 - - 2-20 - Move P1 This Command Moves the Robot to P1Remarks and Comments Remark this Program WAS Written by ME- 2-21 - ProgramsProgram Declaration STE Subprograms - 2-22 -Program Main Remark *** Sample - 2-23 -Program Subexample M1, M2, M3 Print K ENDLibrary - 2-24 -STE Multitask Processing - 2-25 -- 2-26 - - 2-27 - Global Global Variable Definition- 2-28 - END ProgramDIM F5 AS Point - 2-29 -DIM D10 AS INT