Charging an Additional NiMH Battery Pack
1. Insert an NiMH battery pack with the battery contacts pointing upward into the Dolphin HomeBase auxiliary battery well.
Battery contacts on the HomeBase
After the battery is inserted into the auxiliary battery well of the Dolphin HomeBase you can use the CHARGING AUXBATT LED to monitor the charging progress.
Deep-Cycling the Battery
For maximum battery life, Hand Held Products recommends that you deep- cycle (service) the battery twice before initial use and then, once a month thereafter. To
The CHARGING AUXBATT LED is red while the battery is discharging and changes to blinking red when the charging cycle begins and orange when charging at the maximum rate. The battery is ready to use when the light turns green.
The Dolphin terminal and Dolphin HomeBase support
The HomeBase
1.Setup the Dolphin HomeBase (see Setting up the Dolphin HomeBase on page
2.Insert the Dolphin terminal.
3.Follow the data transfer sequence as described by your application.
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