SWITCH #4 (SCALE): [OFF/RIGHT = F, default] All temperature values are displayed using the Fahrenheit scale. [ON/LEFT = C] This setting displays all temperature values using the Celsius scale.
SWITCH #5 (TIME): [OFF/RIGHT = 12 HR, default] This setting displays the clock times and temperature program period start time values on the screen using US standard AM and PM values. [ON/LEFT = 24 HR] This setting displays the clock and temperature program period start time values on the screen using the 24 HR
SWITCH #6 (DELAY): [OFF/RIGHT = 5 MIN, default] This sets the minimum length of time that Heat or Cool must remain either On or Off, before it will automatically switch to the alternate On or Off state. This internal delay prevents rapid cycling of your system and provides equipment protection particularly for cooling units. The
SWITCH #7 (RECOVERY): [OFF/RIGHT = DISABLE, default] The Early Recovery feature affects how the thermostat transitions from an energy saving setback (DAY and NITE) program period, to a comfort (MORN and EVE) program period temperature, when it is following the daily temperature programs. When this is disabled, the thermostat makes a set temperature change at the beginning of an upcoming period's start time. [ON/LEFT = ENABLE] The Early Recovery feature will calculate the capability of your system and turn on the heating or cooling early so that the temperature in your home reaches the desired set point as close as possible to the start of the period. During the time that the thermostat is performing a recovery, the words “IN RECOVERY” will be shown, alternating at the top of the display with the current system mode.
SWITCH #8 (BATTERY MONITOR): [OFF/RIGHT = ON, default] This setting, regularly monitors the battery level, and shows “LOW BAT” on the screen if the batteries need to be replaced. Use this setting at all times when batteries are present in the thermostat. [ON/LEFT = OFF] This setting only applies if you are NOT physically using batteries in the thermostat, and are powering the thermostat entirely from the system (“C” wire terminal).