Woodstock W1819/W1820 manual Xflkk`e, @ejkXcc`eXXf9cX

Page 46




Commonly used in furniture joinery, a dado is a straight channel cut in the face of the workpiece. Dadoes can be cut using either a dedicated dado blade or a standard saw blade. Figure 57 shows a cutaway view of a dado cut being made with a dado blade.

The included dado table insert must be installed and used when a dado blade is installed—unless a zero clearance table insert is used instead.

The table saw motor is pushed to its limits when making a dado cut with a dado blade. If the motor starts to bog down, slow down your feed rate, reduce the depth of cut and make multiple shallow passes.



)% Remove the table insert, the blade guard assembly or riving knife, and the saw blade.

*% Attach and adjust the dado blade system according to the dado blade manufacturer’s instructions

+% Install the dado insert.




=`^li\,.%Example of a dado cut with a

dado blade.

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Image 46
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