Woodstock W1819/W1820 manual `iZl`kI\hl`i\d\ekj, =lcc$CfXlii\ekIXk`e

Page 17




This machine must be connected to the correct size and type of power supply circuit, or fire or electrical damage may occur. Read through this section to determine if an adequate power supply circuit is available. If a correct circuit is not available, a qualified electrician MUST install one before you can connect the machine to power.

A power supply circuit includes all electrical equipment between the breaker box or fuse panel in the building and the machine. The power supply circuit used for this machine must be sized to safely handle the full- load current drawn from the machine for an extended period of time. (If this machine is connected to a circuit protected by fuses, use a time delay fuse marked D.)


The full-load current rating is the amperage a machine draws at 100% of the rated output power. On machines with multiple motors, this is the amperage drawn by the largest motor or sum of all motors and electrical devices that might operate at one time during normal operations.


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This machine is prewired to operate on a 220V power supply circuit that has a verified ground and meets the following requirements:

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K_\ Z`iZl`k i\hl`i\d\ekj c`jk\[ `e k_`j dXelXc Xggcp kf X [\[`ZXk\[ Z`iZl`kÇ n_\i\fecpfe\dXZ_`e\n`ccY\ilee`e^ Xk X k`d\% @] k_`j dXZ_`e\ n`cc Y\ Zfee\Zk\[ kf X j_Xi\[ Z`iZl`k n_\i\ dlck`gc\dXZ_`e\jn`ccY\ilee`e^Xkk_\ jXd\k`d\#Zfejlckn`k_Xe\c\Zki`Z`Xe kf \ejli\ k_Xk k_\ Z`iZl`k `j gifg\icp j`q\[]fijX]\fg\iXk`fe%


Image 17
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