Craftsman 315.22831 Problem Cause Solution, See Hee/ingtheSawbladeinthe Adjustmentssection

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Fuses or circuit breakers open frequently.

Saw vibrates excessively.

Start switch does not operate.

Handwheels are hard to turn.

Blade does not lower when turning height handwheel.

Mitergage does not movesmoothly.

Cut binds,bumsorstallsmotorwhen ripping.

Saw bladedoes notcut true at 90"or 45" positions.

1.Motor is overloaded.

2.Fuses or circuit breakers are wrong size or defective.

3.Dull blade.

4.Start switch is defective.

1.Blade is warped.

2.Belt is damaged,

3.Saw is not mounted securely.

4.Work surface is uneven.

1.Switch contactsare burned out.

2.Capacitor is defective

3.Connectionsare loose or dam- aged.

1.Sawdust has collected on the mechanism inside saw.

1.Blade lock handle is not fully released,

1.Miter gage assembly is dirty or sticky,

1.Blade or teeth are dull,

2.Blade is heeling.

3.Board is warped.


1.Indicators are not properly ad- justed.

2.Positive stops inside base are not accurate.

1.Feed work more slowly.

2.Replace fuses or circuit break- ers,

3.Replace the blade.

4.Have the switch replaced.

1.Replace the blade.

2.Replace the belt.

3, Tighten all hardware.

4.Repositionon a flat surface. Ad- just the leveling feet on legs.

1.Have the switchreplaced and re- quest a voltage check from the power company.

2.Have the capacitor replaced.

3.Have the widng checked and re- paired.

1.Clean and lubricate the mecha- nism.

1.Fully release the blade lock handle.

1.Release the miter gage knoband wax the miter gage base _and sides.

1.Sharpen or replace the blade.

2.See Hee/ingtheSawbladeinthe Adjustmentssection.

3.Replace the board.

4.SeeAligningtheRipFenceinthe Assembly section.

1.See Setting the Bevel Stops and

Indicatorin the Adjustmentssec- tion.

2.See Setting the Bevel Stops and

Indicatorin the Adjustmentssec- tion.


Image 43
Contents NRTL/C Table SAWCRAFTSMANTABLESAW315.228310 Fulloneyearwarrantyoncraftsmantablesaw28-32 Read ALL Instructions Safety Alert Symbol5CRAFTSMANTABLESAW315,228310 Inspect Tool Cords and Extension Before Changing the SETUP, RemovingGrounding Instructions Speed and WiringExtension Cords Electrical ConnectionRRRFTSNlUI TABLESAW$1G,228310 Bit MoldingHead Set Blade Guard Bracket SwitchAssembly Hardware for Leveling Feet Hardware for Blade Guard Bracket and Blade Guard Assembly Combinaonsouare Hammer 45TRIANGLE FramingsquareadjustablewrenchSmall I Medium Nutdriver Philupsscrewdriver HexkeysprovidedInch Table Saw 15IRRFTSMIINTABLESAW315.228310 PushoffExtension Erview See Figures 7 See FigureMounting the LEG Stand on the Table SAW Base HEXI,LEGSTANDAligning Table Extensions Assembling Table ExtensionsFLA Washer Henut See Figures 12 Installing the Rear RailSouare Headbolts Extension Frontrail Installing the Front RailRhtbcale Switch Withkey Extension See Figures 15Aligningtheripfenceandfrontrail Motor Bracketmotor Assembly WasherSee Figures 17and Belt Belti Checking the Throat Plate InstallingthebeltandbeltguardSee Figures20 SawpulleyPawls Installing the Blade Guard SocketSee Figures 23 HeadscrewsSee Figures26 Aligningtherivingknifewiththe BladeRipfence Mitergage Groove Bladeframing Square Checking RIP Fence and Blade Mitergage Ripfence AlignmentSee Figures 29 Blade Grooveframing SouareArborshaft Blade Washer Bladehut Replacing the BladeSee Figures 32 Blade GuardFraming Square Mitergagegroove See Figures 35CRAFTSMAN*TABLESAW315.22831030 90STOPSCREW 45STOPSCREW HexkeyAdjustable Stopscrew Locknut Stoppin Throatplate Keyslot Springclip Removing / Replacing the Throat PlateCutting Aids Basic Operation of the Table SAWCauses of Kickback Avoiding KickbackSee Figure There are six basic cuts t the cross cut Types of CutsOnleftsideofblade Making a Cross CUTWhenmitergageis Making a RIP CUTMitercut Bevel Lockhandle Makinga MitercutMaking a Bevel Cross CUT See Figures47Bevelripcut Makinga BevelripcutSea Figure Making a Compound Bevel Miter CUTNonhroughcut Making a Large Panel CUTMaking a NON-THROUGH CUT LargepanelcutMaking a Dado CUT Motor / Electrical General MaintenanceCausesolution ProblemSee Hee/ingtheSawbladeinthe Adjustmentssection Problem Cause SolutionCause ProblemSolution Front Rail in the Assembly sectionCrrftsman Table SAW Figure a Description Quan Parts List for Figure aCraftsman Table SAW Model no KEY Part NO.NUMBERFigureb Craftsmantable SAW MODELNO.315.228310 Parts List for Figure BKEY Part Number Description Quan 2517 KEY Part NO. Number Parts List for Figure CKEY Part NO. Number Description Quan Figured Parts List for Figure D Figuree Parts List for Figure E Figuref Is,wem0eworoe0on e 0enumc Parts List for Figure FFigureg Craftsmantable SAW- Modelno Parts List for Figure GFigureh Craftsman Table SAW- Model noKEY Parts List for Figure HPart Number 4038 Parts List for Figure