Language code list
Enter the code with the numbered buttons.
Abkhazian: | 6566 |
| Catalan: | 6765 |
| Gujarati: | 7185 |
| Lingala: | 7678 |
| Tamil: | 8465 | ||
| ||||||||||||
Afar: | 6565 |
| Chinese: | 9072 |
| Hausa: | 7265 |
| Lithuanian: | 7684 |
| 8277 |
| Tatar: | 8484 |
Afrikaans: | 6570 |
| Corsican: | 6779 |
| Hebrew: | 7387 |
| Macedonian: | 7775 |
| Romanian: | 8279 |
| Telugu: | 8469 |
Albanian: | 8381 |
| Croatian: | 7282 |
| Hindi: | 7273 |
| Malagasy: | 7771 |
| Russian: | 8285 |
| Thai: | 8472 |
Amharic: | 6577 |
| Czech: | 6783 |
| Hungarian: | 7285 |
| Malay: | 7783 |
| Samoan: | 8377 |
| Tibetan: | 6679 |
Arabic: | 6582 |
| Danish: | 6865 |
| Icelandic: | 7383 |
| Malayalam: | 7776 |
| Sanskrit: | 8365 |
| Tigrinya: | 8473 |
Armenian: | 7289 |
| Dutch: | 7876 |
| Indonesian: | 7378 |
| Maltese: | 7784 |
| Scots Gaelic: | 7168 |
| Tonga: | 8479 |
Assamese: | 6583 |
| English: | 6978 |
| Interlingua: | 7365 |
| Maori: | 7773 |
| Serbian: | 8382 |
| Turkish: | 8482 |
Aymara: | 6589 |
| Esperanto: | 6979 |
| Irish: | 7165 |
| Marathi: | 7782 |
| Turkmen: | 8475 | ||
Azerbaijani: | 6590 |
| Estonian: | 6984 |
| Italian: | 7384 |
| Moldavian: | 7779 |
| Shona: | 8378 |
| Twi: | 8487 |
Bashkir: | 6665 |
| Faroese: | 7079 |
| Japanese: | 7465 |
| Mongolian: | 7778 |
| Sindhi: | 8368 |
| Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Basque: | 6985 |
| Fiji: | 7074 |
| Javanese: | 7487 |
| Nauru: | 7865 |
| Singhalese: | 8373 |
| Urdu: | 8582 |
Bengali; Bangla: |
| Finnish: | 7073 |
| Kannada: | 7578 |
| Nepali: | 7869 |
| Slovak: | 8375 |
| Uzbek: | 8590 |
| 6678 |
| French: | 7082 |
| Kashmiri: | 7583 |
| Norwegian: | 7879 |
| Slovenian: | 8376 |
| Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Bhutani: | 6890 |
| Frisian: | 7089 |
| Kazakh: | 7575 |
| Oriya: | 7982 |
| Somali: | 8379 |
| Volapük: | 8679 |
Bihari: | 6672 |
| Galician: | 7176 |
| Kirghiz: | 7589 |
| Pashto, Pushto: 8083 |
| Spanish: | 6983 |
| Welsh: | 6789 | |
Breton: | 6682 |
| Georgian: | 7565 |
| Korean: | 7579 |
| Persian: | 7065 |
| Sundanese: | 8385 |
| Wolof: | 8779 |
Bulgarian: | 6671 |
| German: | 6869 |
| Kurdish: | 7585 |
| Polish: | 8076 |
| Swahili: | 8387 |
| Xhosa: | 8872 |
Burmese: | 7789 |
| Greek: | 6976 |
| Laotian: | 7679 |
| Portuguese: | 8084 |
| Swedish: | 8386 |
| Yiddish: | 7473 |
Byelorussian: | 6669 |
| Greenlandic: | 7576 |
| Latin: | 7665 |
| Punjabi: | 8065 |
| Tagalog: | 8476 |
| Yoruba: | 8979 |
Cambodian: | 7577 |
| Guarani: | 7178 |
| Latvian, Lettish: 7686 |
| Quechua: | 8185 |
| Tajik: | 8471 |
| Zulu: | 9085 | |
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