Adjust the Spray Pattern
Follow the steps below to establish the correct fluid flow and air flow. DO NOT turn the turbine air on yet.
1.Adjust the fluid flow for the appropriate flow rate by using the fluid pressure regulator installed in the fluid line. Check the fluid nozzle chart in manual 307±803 for the appropriate flow rate for the air cap. Start with the lowest rate shown and increase it until you get the desired flow rate.
2.For fine adjustment of how much fluid is sprayed, tighten or loosen the trigger adjusting nut (24). See Fig 4. Turn the nut out to reduce the amount of fluid sprayed or turn it in to increase the amount.
3.Close the fan adjusting knob (56) by turning it fully clockwise.
4.Use an air pressure regulator to adjust the degree of atomization. Always use the lowest air pressure pos- sible for the most efficiency.
5.Use the fan adjusting knob to change the shape of the spray pattern. Turn the knob counterclockwise for a wide pattern and clockwise for a solid, round pattern. When increasing to a wide, flat pattern, it may be necessary to increase the supply of fluid to the gun to maintain the same amount of coverage over a large area.
6.First, complete all the checks under the Operating Checklist on page 9. Then turn the turbine air on. When spraying, the ES indicator light (51) should glow, indicating the electrostatic charge.
NOTE: Provide a 3.1 bar (45 psi) clean, dry, regulated air supply to the gun to ensure full voltage from the power supply. The gun may be operated at lower turbine air pressure, but may lose some electro- static effect. Do not operate the turbine at an air pressure greater than 3.1 bar (45 psi) as there is no benefit and turbine life will be reduced.
NOTE: A remote fan air adapter is available to control the fan air at the control booth. See
See the Spray Pattern Troubleshooting Chart on page 13 to correct spray pattern problems.
24Trigger Adjusting Nut
51ES Indicator Light
56Fan Adjusting Knob
Fig 4