1 Bend and kink new | DOTS |
pump hose from kit in |
the middle as shown, |
making sure dots on |
hose fittings face each |
other. |
RotoFlex™ HD Pump
4Slide plates together, inserting inner plate in outer plate, matching alignment holes.
5Replace bracket
assembly in housing making sure the mounting screw hole, located in the top cen- ter of the inner plate, faces up.
2Insert hose ends through holes in inner hose bracket, keeping dots on fittings facing each other and kinked portion of hose hori- zontal to the underside of bracket.
alignment holes
3 Slide hose ends into outer hose bracket, making sure dots on fit- tings face each other and alignment holes are together.
•Slide into long slot first.
6Slide pump hose around rollers. Make sure the rollers are horizontally parallel to each other.
7Slide feet on the bot- tom of hose bracket, into the slot on the bottom of sprayer.
8Replace knob. Hand tighten.
9Reattach hose exten- sion.
10Replace front cover and hopper. See
Removing and Replacing Hopper, Front and Back Cover, page 9.
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