Shop Preparation | Cleaning |
Make sure all shop entrances are locked and machines are equipped with safety lock- out devices when not in use. Never allow untrained peo- ple in your shop! Otherwise, injury or death can occur.
•Edge Sander Location: Choose a location where if a workpiece should be projected, bystanders will not be struck. Take all nec- essary safety precautions.
•Working Clearances: Consider your current and future needs with respect to size of lumber to be processed at each machine, space for auxiliary stands, work tables, and other machinery.
•Lighting: Make sure your lighting eliminates shadows and prevents eye strain.
•Outlets: Make sure electrical circuits are dedicated or large enough to handle the amperage requirements of the new machin- ery. Electrical outlets should be located near each machine so power or extension cords are clear of
The main components of the Model W1688 are assembled at the factory; however, some assembly is required. The following series of instructions are the recommended sequence for final assembly.
Keep your machine unplugged during all assembly, adjustments, or maintenance proce- dures. Otherwise serious personal injury may occur!
The Model W1688 table and other unpainted parts are coated with a waxy grease for corro- sion protection. For the best machine perform- ance, clean all moving parts and coated sur- faces. Remove this grease with a solvent clean- er or a
Before cleaning the machine, read and under- stand the following Warnings and Caution:
Never use flammables such as gas or other petro-
Never smoke while using cleaning solvents. Smoking may cause explosion or risk of fire when exposed to these products!
Most solvents used to clean machinery are toxic when inhaled or ingested. When using these products, work in a well ventilated area and keep away from any potential ignition sources (pilot lights). Always dis- pose of any waste rags in a sealed container to make sure they do not cause fire or environ- mental hazards.