Miller Electric 172 M-10 Gun manual Welding Power Source Duty Cycle And Overheating, Definition

Page 14

2-3. Welding Power Source Duty Cycle And Overheating




























25 30



60 70 80 100


30% Duty Cycle At 130 Amperes

Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 min- utes that unit can weld at rated load without overheating.

If unit overheats, thermostat(s) opens, output stops, and cooling fan runs. Wait fifteen minutes for unit to cool. Reduce amperage or duty cycle before welding.

YExceeding duty cycle can damage unit or gun and void warranty.

3 Minutes Welding

7 Minutes Resting



A or V



Reduce Duty Cycle


duty1 4/95 – SB-180 844

2-4. Welding Gun Duty Cycle And Overheating


WELDING LONGER THAN RATED DUTY CYCLE can damage gun and void warranty.

Do not weld at rated load longer than shown below.


Using gasless flux cored wire reduces gun duty cycle.

warn7.1 8/93





Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 minutes that gun can weld at rated load without overheating.

.023 To .045 in (0.6 To 1.1 mm)

Hard Or Flux Cored Wires

100% Duty Cycle At 100 Amperes

Using CO2

Continuous Welding

.023 To .045 in (0.6 To 1.1 mm) Hard Or Flux Cored Wires

60% Duty Cycle At 100 Amperes

Using Mixed Gases

6 Minutes Welding

4 Minutes Resting


SB1.1 8/93

OM-1318 Page 10

Image 14
Contents Description OM-1318187923FProcesses From Miller to You Table of Contents Page Arc Welding Hazards Symbol UsageMarks a special safety message Electric Shock can killFlying Metal can injure eyes ARC Rays can burn eyes and skinWelding can cause fire or explosion Buildup of GAS can injure or killPrincipal Safety Standards EMF Information About PacemakersUN Choc É Lectrique peut tuer Signification des symbolesConsignes DE Securite Lire Avant Utilisation LES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereuxLE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe LE Soudage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosionDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux ’EMPLOI Excessif peut Risque D’INCENDIE OULA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresConsignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaques Principales normes de sé curitéInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques Volt-Ampere Curves SpecificationsSpecifications Overheating Welding Power Source Duty Cycle And OverheatingWelding Gun Duty Cycle And Overheating DefinitionInstalling Welding Gun And Changing Polarity InstallationInstalling Work Clamp Installing Gas Supply Flow AdjustDo not move or operate unit Where it could tip Electrical Service GuideSelecting a Location And Connecting Input Power 18 in 457 mm of space for airflowTools Needed 15/16 Installing Wire Spool And Adjusting Hub TensionStandard Wire Spool Standard Wire Reel Assembly, and let go of wire Reinstall contact tip, and nozzleWeld Parameter 14 ga 16 ga 18 ga 20 ga 22 gaOperation Wire Speed ControlVoltage Switch ControlsDrive Motor Fuse F1 Maintenance &TROUBLESHOOTINGRoutine Maintenance Short Circuit ShutdownWire Spool Nozzle Cleaning Or Repairing Drive AssemblyTurn Off power before cleaning or repairing drive assembly Turn Off power before replacing contact tipBlow out gun casing Tools Needed Remove liner Cleaning Or Replacing Gun LinerDisconnect gun from unit To Reassemble GunRemove handle locking nut Slide handle Replacing Switch And/Or Head TubeDisconnect gun first Trouble Remedy Troubleshooting TableSecure power cord plug in receptacle see Section Motor continues to run SectionElectrical Diagram OM-1316Typical MIG Process Connections Regulator Flowmeter Wire Feeder Power Source Shielding GasMIG Welding Gmaw Guidelines Gun Workpiece Work ClampSelect Wire Size Typical MIG Process Control SettingsWire Recommendation Wire Speed Based on 1/8 in material thickness Ipm = inch per minuteHolding And Positioning Welding Gun Short Normal Long Conditions That Affect Weld Bead ShapePush PerpendicularDrag ShortNormalLongGun Movement During Welding Poor Weld Bead CharacteristicsGood Weld Bead Characteristics Troubleshooting Excessive Penetration Troubleshooting Excessive SpatterTroubleshooting Porosity Possible Causes Corrective ActionsTroubleshooting Burn-Through Troubleshooting Lack Of PenetrationTroubleshooting Incomplete Fusion Weld bead Troubleshooting Waviness Of BeadTroubleshooting Distortion Flat & Horizontal1 Fillet Common MIG Shielding GasesApplication OM-1318 Parts List Includes ItemsDia Part Description Mkgs Quantity M-10 Gun Figure -2. M-10 Gun Page Support ServiceYour distributor also gives Owner’s Record Miller Electric Mfg. Co