Cooper Lighting WZT1500 instruction manual Español

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Para obtener servicio en garantía escriba a Cooper Lighting, 1121 Highway 74 South, Peachtree City, GA 30269, Estados Unidos de América. Indique el número de modelo del producto y los problemas que experimenta, además de su dirección y número de teléfono. Será contactado entonces para obtener una solución, o un número de Autorización de Retorno de Mercancías (‘Return Goods Authorization’) e instrucciones completas para regresar el producto. Todos los productos que se regresen deben estar acompañados por el Número de Autorización de Retorno de Mercancías emitido por la Compañía, y deben regresarse con el flete previamente pagado. Todo producto que se reciba sin el Número de Autorización de Retorno de Mercancías emitido por la Compañía, será rechazado.

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Customer First Center • 1121 Highway 74 South, Peachtree City, GA 30269 USA

© 2003 Cooper Lighting

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Contents English Español Français What you need What’s includedWhat to know Assembling your fixture How to Use Fig. aTwo Year Limited Warranty Bonus bulb includedReplacing the bulb Aiming the fixtureEnglish Qué necesita Qué se incluyeQué debe saber Español Montaje de su artefacto Cómo se utilizaFocos extra incluídos Reemplazo del focoOrientación del artefacto Garantía Limitada por dos añosEspañol Matériel non inclus Matériel inclusAvis importants SJW, SJW-A, SJOW, SJOW-A, SJTW-A, Sjtow ou SJTOW-A Mode demploi Assemblage du luminaireRemplacement dune ampoule Ampoule de rechange incluseProcédure dorientation dune lampe Garantie limitée de deux ansFrançais WZT1500 I.S -1394 10/28/03 343 PM WZT1500 I.S -1394 10/28/03 343 PM

WZT1500 specifications

Cooper Lighting's WZT1500 is a cutting-edge lighting solution that combines performance, energy efficiency, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various commercial and industrial applications. This luminaire is designed to deliver high-quality illumination while ensuring ease of installation and maintenance, which makes it particularly appealing for facility managers and lighting designers alike.

One of the standout features of the WZT1500 is its impressive lumen output. It provides bright and uniform light, making it suitable for large open areas such as warehouses, gymnasiums, and production floors. The high lumen efficacy not only enhances visibility but also contributes to reduced energy consumption, thus lowering overall operational costs.

The WZT1500 is built with advanced LED technology, which offers a long lifespan and minimizes the need for frequent replacements. This reliability is crucial in environments that rely on consistent and efficient lighting. Additionally, LED fixtures like the WZT1500 produce less heat compared to traditional lighting systems, which helps maintain a comfortable and safe atmosphere in enclosed spaces.

An important characteristic of the WZT1500 is its versatility. It features various mounting options, making it adaptable to a range of installation requirements. Whether it's suspended, surface-mounted, or even wall-mounted, the WZT1500 can be configured to meet specific lighting needs, ensuring optimal performance in different environments.

Moreover, the WZT1500 incorporates smart lighting technologies, including motion sensors and dimming capabilities. These features enhance energy efficiency significantly, as lighting levels can be adjusted based on occupancy, thereby further reducing energy costs.

In terms of construction, the WZT1500 boasts a durable design that can withstand the rigors of industrial settings. It features robust materials and an IP rating that ensures protection against dust and water, enhancing its suitability for harsh environments.

To sum up, the Cooper Lighting WZT1500 is a versatile, efficient, and durable lighting solution that excels in delivering high-quality illumination for commercial and industrial applications. With its advanced features, including high lumen output, long lifespan, and smart technology capabilities, the WZT1500 is an excellent investment for any facility looking to improve its lighting solutions while saving on energy costs and maintenance efforts.