Kenmore 808353 manual Testing, Sen/zcing

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To test operation of water inlet valve, place the leads of a volt meter across the termina{s of the solenoid in any fill phase of the operating cycle where the water inlet valve should be energized If the meter indicates tine voltage, water should flow into the tub If water does not flow into the tub, either the water inlet valve is defective or the water supply is inadequate Make certain the hot water faucet is fully on If the water supply is not at fault, the water inlet valve is defective

C Sen/zcing

To Clean Operating Parts of the Vaive:

!Remove valve bracket from tub or installation module

2Remove 4 screws holding solenoid, valve body and bracket together

3Remove the plunger housing, spring and plunger

4Check the parts for defects, dirt particles or for formation of lime

5Check 1o make sure the tiny bleed hoies in the diaphragm are not clogged See Figure 24 Clean bleed holes, if necessary, using a pin or needte



6 Clean the screen mesh of any rust particles Use running water to remove any large particles; then, complete the iob by blowing screen clear The screen mesh must be absolutely clean and free of any damage

7 Check flow washer for wear or damage When reinstalling the flow washer, position i1 in the valve so that the markings on the washer face the incoming flow of "water.


The Timer Controls the Operazton of the Water Inlet Valve and therefore, the amount of water emenng the machine The Valve should be energzzed for 45 to .90 ._econds depending on model and cycle selected The float switch will .shut the water off at the proper level The Timer controls the wa[er charge on short fills and acts as a safety on full water charges


Image 26
Contents Automatic Dishwashers We Service Wh,t We Sell If ever you need us -- were available You Can Count On UsSears t Contents Introduction WATER, Detergent and the Automatic Dishwasher Removal and Control of Hard Water FilmExtremely hot water Bronze Tarnish on Silverware Possible Cause & SolutionFilming Black Marks on DinnerwareCleaningmineraldepositsfromporcelainsurfaces Attach Screws Access PanelInstallation 2HOLE or Larger Drain Hose Connected to DisposerOr y Branch Sink X,,T LeftDrain Hoseconnectionto Sink Drain Drain Hose Connection Through FloorCutting Access Holes Inlet Valve ,JUNCTION BOX AssemblyElectrical Circuit Conductorground WireGreen Ground Screw GROUND1NGINSTRUCTIONSHOT Wate Line Reen Ground ScrewShut OFF VA LV E Trap P or Above DrainHOW to POSITION, ALIGN, and LEVEL, Your Dishwasher Sink AI Left Sink AT RightTWO Ways to Anchor Your Dishwasher Two Level Wash Feature Wjash SystemSwitch Testing Water Charge LevelSpray Arm Assembly TttttThree Level Wash System PushlodgedparticlesRemoval of Upper Spray Arm Only Bearing AssemblyRemoval of Mtddle Spray Arm Side Water Inlet ValvePlunger Hole Line Water Pressure Washer Atmospheric PRESSURE£ BPlunger Diaphragm Flow WasherTesting Sen/zcing45 sec Metal Washer Flow Plastic RetainerCurved Side Screen Sealer Washer MarkingPage Towaterinletvalve WA1ERiNLETASSEMBLYSide Water Inlet, Steam Trap and Venting PlasticnutExit Flow of Moist AIR During DRY Cycle Vent Motor and Pump Assembly AssembledInner Door Pump Assembly PU M P PlateBottom of Relay Main Motor and RelayPage Housin With the recirculating System Uses Same Pump Housing aS u LLevel Tower Pump 5y,srem This Osed Off For this Reason He bwer Utltz,es a. lowerMotor Main or Run Winding Check TimerTesting the Motor and Relay Position RelaystartCheck the voltage as shown in Position C TAR. T .,..BLUE-ORANGE Timer t- RelayMotor Start Circuit Wash and Rinse Cycle Motor 5tart Circuit Drain CycleWash 115Volt Supply Motor Start Relay Or Connected Directly to Terminal Block of DishwasherTerminal WAs.ER CA U T/OiM Center Motor Shaft with Pump Housing With Service Tool ROD Motor nstaltationInstall Ihese Screws First TUB Hoses and Couplers No TEHose and Coupler Assembly 8 compact model Sleevegasket Faucet CouplerRing Dispensers Detergent DLpenser- B/-Metal OperatedDescription Into Fill Neck Wetting Agent Dispenser Bi-Metal OperatedFill Neck Scoop Wetting Agent Liquid Drainsback .J NtosuppFIGUP,E CAM TimersCAM Switch MotorSelector Switches Checking The 5-Button SwttchMylar Jacket Thermostats and Temperature IndicatorsSam-Wash or High Temperature Wash/ Thermostat Checking Thermostat OperationFigurego Iii ii!ii!!i!i IiiiiiiiiDRY SanM4/ash Delay Circuit4tfi Rinse Water Heat Option Hot RinseSanitize Delay Light Circuit Power Sani Wash Cycle Selector Page FIGUREG3C Page TCH on Door and Float SwitchesDoor Latches and Switches FLO Switch Cycle Charts Ester Line Charts ExampleFill Phase Normal Cycle Page Relay Switch Opens After Motor Starts First Wash Normal CycleVoltage Checks Continuity Check Door Assemblies One Piece Outer Door Control PanelTwo Piece Outer Door Control Panel £RING Anti Tilt Assembly38 Portable ModelsArm Replacement 8 Dishwashers Racks END CAP RackTub Gaskets Upper Front Lower Rear RollerTo Replace Page Cord Reel Caster Replacement Potlable Dishwashers CastersTubs Drying System Convection MethodForced Air Method SeRE A sEMBL Checking Blower OperadonOperation Heating ElementsHeating Element Hot Dry Cool Dry Power Miser SWHch EatersymbolHeater Testing Power Miser Circuits Single Pole Double Throw Switch Power MiserOrange BUS Timer Heater WhiteBlower Trouble Shooting General Trouble ShootingCheck selector switch per wiring diagram Turn knob until pitot light burns never turn into fill Instructions Motor Shaft Seal are Lever Water Leaks Door liner807042 806863806565 806898DIV 22 Source 587 Part Noo