Door Assemblies
The door should never require adjustment, N1isa[ignment between the door and cabinet on
usually a result of improper positioning of the attach brackets to the counter top Reposition the brackets to align the door to the tub
A slight adjustment to increase or decrease gasket pressure between the doer and tub may be made by. removing or installing shims behind the door strike (Caution - Addition of shims on a new dishwasher to make latching easier may result in a leak after the gasket has taken a "set") Bending of the door latch usually results from attempting to latch the door before il is fully closed
Spring tension is set a_ [he factory for the standard dishwasher door Too much tension will not aliow the door to remain in the fully opened position Too little tension will cause the door to fall open when the latch is released. Spring tension may require adjustment if a wood ot metal inserts are added or removed in the door See Figure 72
AOne Piece Outer Door Control Panel
On some dishwashers the outer door panel and control panel have been combined 1o form one common part :that
is removable from the inner door ,without need for disconnecting wires This leaves the dishwasher entireiy operable
To gain entry to the area behind this piece housing the timer, selector switch, injectors, door switch, thermostat, e_c, proceed as follows and refer to Figure 73:
t Disconnect power supply to dishwasher
2 Remove the latch knob attachment screw
3 Lower (open) the complete door assembly and remove the six 16) screws attaching the outer door control panel to the inner porcelain door, (NOTE: This step should be done, using clamps or a "knee brace" to retain the panel during screw removal t
4Allow the complete door assembly to close slowly
5Remove the outer panel and rotate it from the left to the right t80 ° in the upright position
6Place the outer panel on floor adjacenl to the dishwasher in the upright position
7Check wire connections on all components
8Proceed with testing and repair
9Reverse procedure 1or replacement
If the removal of _he access panel is hkefy, # should be done prior _o outer panel removal