(mmddhhmmyyyy) : 070615292005
Time and Date set to: Wed Jul 6 15:29:00 UTC 2005
Please note the time/date format - month/day/hour/minute/year (MMDDHHMMYYYY). For the above example, if it was 3:29pm (15:29) on July 6, 2005
If you enter return without entering a new time string the time and date will not be changed.
Step 5: Configure the Network Time Daemon (Optional)
You can optionally configure the NRC to use the Network Time Protocol daemon (NTPd) to keep the NRC system clock synchronized with other machines on the network.
Typical NTPd configuration requires only the IP address of a time server. This can be provided by either another machine on the local network with NTPd already configured, or from one of many free public NTP servers. Detailed information about NTP and a Public NTP Server list can be found at http://www.ntp.org.
Select option 5 to configure the basic NTPd option, which displays the following menu.
Networked Receiver Controller
NTP Configuration Utility
1 ) Modify NTPd config file
2 ) Add ntpd to startup
B ) Go back to NRC main menu
To modify or view the current NTPd configuration file select 1. Below is a screen sequence example as the NTPd is configured.
Current /etc/ntp.conf:
#File generated by Aegis configuration
#No one except the servers can access the ntpd service: restrict default ignore
restrict nomodify noquery notrap server
Change ntpd configuration? (y/N) y
Restrict remote access to ntpd? (Y/n) y
NTP server address:
Additional server parameters:
Test '' now? (Y/n)y
Testing ''...
Looking for host and service ntp host found :
server, stratum 3, offset 0.065870, delay 0.02568
6 Jul 16:31:01 ntpdate[1032]: adjust time server offset
'' tested ok. Add another server? (y/N) n
Users’ Guide: Networked Receiver Controller - | PAGE 16 |
11th October 2005 | Copyright © 2005 Aegis, Inc |