Step 8: Configure the NRC for Receivers
From a computer, start the NRC Java Client. See the section, Using the NRC Java Client Application for details on requirements and running the NRC Java Client.
Configure the signal termination type and DAQ Channel Gain
After connecting to the NRC from the NRC Java Client, right click on the NRC node, identified by its machine name or IP address. Click Properties and the “ NRC Properties” dialog will appear. Configure the necessary options.2
Ensure that the following NRC software options match the previously set hardware options:
∙Conversion Clock Source (Internal or External)
∙Audio Input Type (Differential or
Note: When changes are made to any of these NRC attributes, all NRC channels will be stopped, reconfigured and restarted, disrupting any current processing on any of these channels.
Assign receiver models to each channel
Connect to the first channel that is attached to a receiver. Right click on the channel node and select “ Change receiver model.” The “ Change receiver model” dialog will appear.3
Select the desired receiver model from the list. Press Enter or click the Enter button and the dialog will be dismissed. Confirm the change by noting the contents of the tree.
Repeat this process for each channel that is attached to a receiver.
It is important to ensure the correct format receiver control cables are used to connect the receiver to the NRC unit. Installing the wrong format cables will prohibit the NRC from successfully communicating with the receiver.
eg. Trying to use TenTec RX331 receiver format control cables to connect to
Congratulations. The setup process is now complete. The NRC Java Client application can now be used to connect to the NRC.
2See “ Using the NRC Java Client Application – NRC Properties dialog” for further details.
3See “ Using the NRC Java Client Application – Change receiver model dialog” for further details
Users’ Guide: Networked Receiver Controller - | PAGE 19 |
11th October 2005 | Copyright © 2005 Aegis, Inc |