3.Click OK.
4.Click Apply.
Alternative methods for managing membership of this group include:
●For Windows 7 Professional or Windows Vista, users can be added to this group using the standard “Local Users and Groups” Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
●For home versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, from an account with administrator privileges, type the following in a command prompt window:
net localgroup “Device Administrators” username /add
In this command, “username” is the user name for the user you wish to add to this group.
eSATA Support
In order for Device Access Manager to control eSATA devices, the following must be configured:
1.The drive must be connected when the system starts up.
2.Using the Advanced Settings view, ensure that the eSATA drive letter is not in the list of drives for which Device Access Manager will not deny access. If the eSATA drive letter is listed, delete the drive letter, and then click Apply.
3.The device can be controlled using the Removable Media device class, by using either the Simple Configuration view or the Device Class Configuration view.
Unmanaged Device Classes
HP ProtectTools Device Access Manager does not manage the following device classes:
●Input/output devices
◦Plug and play (PnP) printers
◦Printer upgrade
◦Infrared human interface devices
◦Smart card reader
◦Disk drive
◦Floppy disk controller (FDC)
90 Chapter 8 Device Access Manager for HP ProtectTools (select models only)