Personal secure drive, which provides a protected storage area for sensitive information.
The process of restarting the computer.
A process that copies program information from a previously saved backup file into this program.
revocation password
A password that is created when a user requests a digital certificate. The password is required when the user wants to revoke his or her digital certificate. This ensures that only the user may revoke the certificate.
SATA device mode
A data transfer mode between a computer and mass storage devices, such as hard drives and optical drives.
A photo of an enrolled user to be used for authentication.
seal for Trusted Contacts
A task that adds a digital signature, encrypts the
security logon method
The method used to log on to the computer.
Send Security button
A software button that is displayed on the toolbar of Microsoft Outlook
The execution of an algorithm that obscures the data contained in an asset.
shred cycle
The number of times the shred algorithm is executed on each asset. The higher the number of shred cycles you select, the more secure the computer is.
shred profile
A specified erasure method and list of assets.
Sign and Encrypt button
A software button that is displayed on the toolbar of Microsoft Office applications. Clicking the button allows you to sign, encrypt, or remove encryption in a Microsoft Office document.
signature line
A placeholder for the visual display of a digital signature. When a document is signed, the signer's name and verification method are displayed. The signing date and the signer's title can also be included.
simple delete
Deletion of the Windows reference to an asset. The asset content remains on the hard drive until obscuring data is written over it by free space bleaching.
Single Sign On
A feature that stores authentication information and allows you to use Security Manager to access Internet and Windows applications that require password authentication.
smart card
A small piece of hardware, similar in size and shape to a credit card, which stores identifying information about the owner. Used to authenticate the owner to a computer.
110 Glossary