Configuring the smart card
If a smart card reader is installed or connected to the computer, the Smart card page has two tabs:
NOTE: The computer locks only if the smart card was used as an authentication credential when logging on to Windows. Removing a smart card that was not used to log on to Windows does not lock the computer.
◦Initialize the smart
◦Change smart card
◦Erase HP ProtectTools data
◦Erase all data on the smart
NOTE: Features that are not supported by your smart card are not available.
▲Click Apply.
Enrolling scenes for face logon
If your computer has a webcam built in or connected, HP ProtectTools Security Manager prompts you to set up or “enroll” your scenes during initial setup in the Getting Started Wizard. You can also enroll scenes on the Face logon page under Credential Manager in the Security Manager dashboard.
You must enroll one or more scenes in order to use face logon. After you have enrolled successfully, you can also enroll a new scene if you have experienced difficulty during logon because one or more of the following conditions have changed:
●Your face has changed significantly since your last enrollment.
●The lighting is quite different from any of your previous enrollments.
●You were wearing glasses (or not) during your last enrollment.
NOTE: If you are having difficulty enrolling scenes, try moving closer to the webcam.
To enroll a scene from the Getting Started Wizard:
1.On the Face page of the wizard, click Advanced, and then configure additional security. For more information, refer to Advanced User Settings on page 37.
2.Click OK.
3.Click Start, or if you have enrolled scenes previously, click Enroll a new scene.
4.If you did not select any additional security options, you are prompted to select an additional security option. Follow the
36 Chapter 4 HP ProtectTools Security Manager