Modifying the FC domain ID (optional)
If desired, you can modify the FC domain ID. The default FC domain ID is domain 1. If the 4Gb SAN Switch is not powered on until after it is connected to the fabric and the default FC domain ID is already in use, the domain ID for the new switch is automatically reset to a unique value. If the switch is connected to the fabric after is has been powered on and the default domain ID is already in use, the fabric segments.
Type fabricshow to determine the domain IDs that are currently in use. The maximum number of domains with which the 4Gb SAN Switch communicates is determined by this switch’s fabric license.
To modify the domain ID:
1.Type switchdisable to disable the switch.
2.Type configure, then type a new value. Or press Enter to accept each default value.
3.At the Fabric parameters prompt, type Y and press Enter:
Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
4.Enter a unique domain ID. For example:
Domain: (1..239) [1] 3
5.Complete the remaining prompts or press Ctrl+D to accept the remaining default settings.
6.Type switchenable to
7.Type fabricshow to confirm any changes made to the domain ID.
8.Optionally, verify switch policy settings and specify any custom status policies that need to change:
a.Type switchstatuspolicyshow to verify the current policy settings. If desired, type switchstatuspolicyset at the prompt to change switch policy settings. This command sets the policy parameters that determine the overall switch status.
b.Customize the status policies as desired.
9.To deactivate the alarm for a particular condition, enter 0 at the prompt for that condition.
Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP | 35 |