HP Brocade 4Gb SAN c-Class BladeSystem manual Replacing a faulty 4Gb SAN Switch

Page 53

Replacing a faulty 4Gb SAN Switch

To replace a faulty switch in the c-Class enclosure:


For supplemental information on any of these steps refer to the latest HP StorageWorks Fabric OS administrator guide and Fab- ric OS Advanced Web Tools administrator guide available at: http://www.hp.com/support/manuals

To access the guides, scroll to the storage section of the web page and select Storage Networking for HP StorageWorks products.

In addition to these guides, refer to the Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP cClass BladeSystem – Setup, Configuration and Installation Procedures available on http://www.hp.com for initial installation instructions of the new switch.

1.Create a backup of the existing configuration file.


It is critical to back up the switch configuration on a regular basis to a remote server. Repeat for each switch in your SAN whenever configuration changes occur. Configuration backups can be done via the CLI, integrated Web Tools GUI, or the optional Fabric Manager GUI.

2.Locate the faulty switch.

3.Disconnect all external Fibre Channel cables.

4.Remove the faulty 4Gb SAN Switch from the enclosure.

5.Insert the replacement switch into the enclosure.

6.Log into the Onboard Administrator CLI.

7.Connect to the switch console, type: connect interconnect <bay number>

8.Change the password when prompted by the switch.

9.To restore the configuration, you must disable the switch via the CLI, integrated Web Tools GUI or the optional Fabric Manager GUI.

Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem


Image 53
Contents AA-RWEBB-TE Page Contents Post Managing the 4Gb SAN SwitchRegulatory compliance and safety How to prevent electrostatic discharge Grounding methods SAN Switch technical specificationsElectrostatic discharge Glossary IndexFigures Tables Page About this guide SAN Switch related documentationIntended audience HP c-Class BladeSystem related documentationHP contact information Before you contact HP Technical SupportConvention Element Document conventions and symbolsDocument conventions TIP Subscription serviceOther HP web sites Overview 4Gb SAN Switch features Component identification Identify the physical components of the 4Gb SAN SwitchItem number Description Internal ports summary4Gb SAN Switch redundancy 4Gb SAN Switch licensing ISL trunking groups Supported optional featuresOptional hardware Accessory Part numberOptional hardware kits Shipping carton contents SetupIdentifies 4Gb SAN switch components Installation and safety considerationsInstalling multiple switches Environmental considerations Electrical considerationsInstall the 4Gb SAN Switch Scale 2/3 = OA verifies power Checking LEDs Verifying power-on LEDs Power-on LEDsUsing Enclosure Bay IP Addressing Ebipa Setting the IP addressSetting the IP address manually Using External DhcpConnect interconnect Items required for configuration Configure the 4Gb SAN SwitchConnecting to the Command Line Interface Setting the date and time Example Verifying installed licensesEnter a unique domain ID. For example Modifying the FC domain ID optionalDisabling and enabling a port Disabling and enabling a switchDpod commands Using Dynamic Ports On Demand DpodExample for Brocade 4/12 SAN Switch Backing up the configuration Verifying the configuration40Setup Management features Managing the 4Gb SAN SwitchManagement tool Out-of-band support In-band support 4Gb SAN Switch management featuresInstalling dust covers in empty ports Maintaining the 4Gb SAN SwitchConnecting via a management station Replacing an SFP transceiverInstalling an SFP SFP components Diagnostic testsInterpreting LED activity Powering on and offDescription LED indicators Number LED indicatorsLED patterns System and power LED patterns are shown in TableModule status LED patterns Module Status LED patterns during normal operationPort link status LED patterns Port link status LED patternsPort link speed LED patterns Post and boot specificationsBoot Interpreting Post results Firmware update Rebooting the switch About the reset buttonReplacing a faulty 4Gb SAN Switch Save the configuration file Regulatory compliance Regulatory compliance and safetyLaser device Regulatory compliance identification numbersCanadian notice avis Canadien International notices and statementsBsmi notice European Union noticeJapanese notice Korean notices Battery replacement notice SafetyJapanese power cord statement Taiwan battery recycling noticePower cords Dutch notice Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directiveEnglish notice Estonian notice Czechoslovakian noticeFrench notice Finnish noticeGreek notice German noticeItalian notice Hungarian noticeLithuanian notice Latvian noticePortuguese notice Polish noticeSlovenian notice Slovakian noticeSwedish notice Spanish noticeElectrostatic discharge How to prevent electrostatic dischargeGrounding methods This appendix provides the following informationElectrostatic discharge SAN Switch technical specifications Specification Description General specificationsGeneral specifications 4Gb SAN Switch physical dimensions Weight and physical dimensionsDimension Measurement Lists physical propertiesSupported SFPs Environmental requirementsSupported HBAs Environmental requirementsAlpa GlossaryAPI AwtovEdtov CRCDLS Flogi FciaFCP Fspf FRUFSP Lpsm LIPLmtov MIB LWLRatov PlogiRrtov RAIDRscn SANWWN SWL86Glossary ISL IndexTrunking groups LEDTransceiver, 14, 16, 31, 44, 47