HP UX Matrix Operating EnvIronment manual Key to event attributes, Event types

Page 61

B Key to event attributes

Event types

Table B-1 Description of event types used in Application Discovery

Event type name


Data center events


Application installed

An application has been installed on a host.

Application started

An application has been started on a host.

Application stopped

An application has been stopped on a host.

Application template created

A new template has been found on the CMS.

Application template parse error

A template cannot be parsed due to errors in the template.

Application template removed

A template has been removed from the CMS.

Application template updated

A template has changed on the CMS.

Application uninstalled

An application has been uninstalled on a host.

New application type

A new type of application is running on one or more hosts.

Unable to refresh workload

Record of workload data is lost to Application Discovery

Administrative events


Application Discovery agent

Agent is available for communication and data transfer.



Application Discovery agent

The agent has registered a change in the host operating system or

changed identity


Application Discovery agent

The agent has dropped a message.

dropped message


Application Discovery agent

The agent is not available for communication and data transfer.



Application Discovery agent

An agent has been found on a server.



Application Discovery agent

The agent has been restarted.



Application Discovery agent

The agent has sent a transmission.



Application Discovery agent

The agent has stopped sending transmissions.



Application Discovery uncertified

A message not recognized as legitimate (certified) has been received

agent message

from an agent.

New platform type

A new type of platform has been recognized in the network.

Event types


Image 61
Contents Application Discovery 6.2 User Guide For managed nodes Table of Contents Support and other resources Configuring the Wbem provider password Glossary Index List of Figures Application visibility selector Sort indicatorPossible values for agent state List of TablesPage Introduction Features of Application DiscoveryPage Application Discovery components Components and conceptsHow discovery works Refining Application DiscoveryUnderstand your current discovery state Discovery ratioWarm-up ratio Refine discovery by checking agent stateHow memory usage is calculated Understanding application templatesRefine discovery by creating application templates Key to the graphic is as follows Understanding server resource consumptionPage Using HP SIM to start the agent Procedures and examplesStarting the agent from the command line Starting Application DiscoveryUsing HP SIM to stop the AD agent Reconfigure a running agent from the command lineStopping the agent from the command line Checking agent stateWorking with data views Adjusting the user interfaceExplanation of agent states Set screen data refresh intervalSet color theme Set general visibilitySet number of table rows Sort data in view tables Change the data viewFilter data in view tables Navigate between views Other controls available from right-clicking on a view tableSet visibility for matched applications Set visibility for hosts on Application Discovery screensSetting data polling interval Setting event attributesIntroduction to event settings in Application Discovery Modifying the maximum size of an event listSetting alert location Setting event severityFind an application template Managing application templatesChange application template values Create a new template Key to application template values Constructing regular expressions Application identity Session Separation rule fields and their descriptionsAggregation rule fields and their descriptions Create an application template ruleCreate a process aggregation rule Managing application templates Example of a nested template aggregation rule Managing application templates Check unmatched processes to find application candidates How to remove types from the aggregation ruleUnderstanding the tables that show unmatched processes Filling in the aggregation rule fields using table data Filling in the system scope fields using table dataFilling in the template separation rule fields Prerequisites Create an application workload in Virtualization ManagerCreate Monitored Workload Definition screen reopens Backing up Application Discovery filesPage Errors in installation TroubleshootingApplications not visible in Application Discovery screens Data missing in Application Discovery screensData missing in Application Discovery screens Host not visible in Application Discovery screens Check that SSH is configured correctly on the managed node# cd /.ssh /* rootuserhomedirectory/.ssh Packages not visible in Application Discovery screens Application Discovery may not be correctly configuredCheck that the host is known to Application Discovery Check that the Application Discovery agent is running UI Unable to connect to servermessages Errors in Application Discovery user interface operationJava UI exception message displays To list the AD agent package installed on the machine, then Page Contacting HP Support and other resourcesRelated information Application Discovery resourcesPage Page Options Amgrd= Logtrace InstallationAuthors Agentconfig Check agent state Event types Key to event attributesAdditional event types specific to Application Discovery Event severity typesEvent viewing locations Table C-1 Error messages seen when trying to log Error messagesPage Completing certificate exchange from the command line Using HP SIM to complete certificate exchangeCompleting certificate exchange IntroductionCompleting certificate exchange Credentials Configuring the Wbem provider passwordPage Agent GlossaryManaged SSL Wbem Index Admin/Config tabClear filter menu pick Group option Defining an application template rule AD Agents, 13