✓Try to SET OPTIONS (press and hold display mode). Once you have SET OPTIONS in the display, click on display mode a couple times. If the display never advances beyond INDEX Ø, then your Link connection is not active. Check your Link cables.
✓There is no “master” on the Link system: a Mark Levinson digital processor normally serves as central clearinghouse of information being passed from one component to the next. Without it, the Linking system cannot work.
✓The digital audio cable is disconnected, or is connected incor- rectly (in which case the display link function would continue to work correctly, but many others would not work).
✓Try turning off/disconnecting AC power from both the processor and the Nº31.5. After several seconds, restore AC power to the digital processor, then turn on the Nº31.5’s main power switch.
✓You may have older versions of the system software in your asso- ciated Mark Levinson components which do not fully support all Setting Options.
Mark Levinson components normally display a “code” number when powering up that corresponds to the version num- ber of their software. (On the Nº31.5, you can also display this number by pressing and holding the stop button.) Write down the code number for each component. With this information, your dealer can determine whether you need to update some software in your system. If so, new EPROMs will be provided at no charge.
✓The Remote Control is at the wrong angle relative to the Nº31.5, and the Nº31.5 can’t receive the signal.
✓The sensor window on the front panel of the Nº31.5 is dirty or blocked.
✓The Remote Control’s projection lens is dirty.
✓Fluorescent lighting or sunlight is interfering with the operation of the Remote Control.
✓The Remote Control’s batteries are weak and need to be replaced.
✓The Remote Control’s batteries are installed incorrectly.