Address Jumpers
To set the drive's address, use the SCSI±2 address jumpers. Perform the following steps to set the drive's address:
1.Attach the static±grounding wrist strap by following the instructions on the package that contains the strap. Attach one end of the strap to the system chassis.
2.Locate the address jumpers on the rear of the CD±ROM drive, as shown in Figure 1±3.
3.Set the drive's SCSI±2 target address to an address that's not used by another SCSI±2 device. Use jumpers, as shown in Figure 1±3; use needlenose pliers to set the jumpers.
NOTICE: Do not use SCSI±2 address 7 because the system's SCSI±2 controller uses address 7 by default. We advise that you do not use SCSI±2 address 6 because the root disk drive uses it.
Ensure that the SCSI±2 terminators are removed.