HP A165890669 manual 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

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Hewlett-Packard Co. 1995

First Printing:

August, 1995

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Image 2
Contents HP 4x Speed CD±ROM Disk Drive Users Guide 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Contents Using your CD±ROM Drive Maintenance and TroubleshootingAppendix a Safety and Regulatory Statements Appendix B Scsi Connector PinoutFigures Safety and Regulatory Statements AudienceInstallation Notice Related ManualsEdition Problems, Questions, and SuggestionsRevision History E0895 First PrintingDocumentation Conventions Literal valuesChapter General Description ±1. HP 4x Speed CD±ROM DriveMajor Features of the CD±ROM Drive Altitude TemperatureCD±ROM Drive Environmental Requirements HumidityCD±ROM Drive Physical Specifications ±2. HP 4x Speed CD±ROM Physical SpecificationsTools Required Preparing to Install the CD±ROM DriveVerifying Kit Contents Minimum RequirementsSet the SCSI±2 Address Address Jumpers ±3. SCSI±2 Address Settings Usr/sbin/ioscan ±d sdisk Return Prepare the SystemEtc/ioscan ±d scsi Return Ioscan No hardware found # /etc/shutdown ±h Return Single-Ended SCSI-2 Bus Configuration Constraints Maximum Number of SCSI-2 Devices per bus Single-Ended SCSI-2 DevicesType of Device Allowed SCSI-2 Bus Termination Guidelines Power Off the Workstation and any Peripherals Using Your CD±ROM Drive Device Your CD±ROM Drive ConfigurationScsi ID and Device File Information for HP±UX Controls and Features of the CD±ROM Drive ±1. CD±ROM Drive Controls and FeaturesControl/Feature Purpose Using the CD±ROM Drive Media DescriptionDisc Tray Description ±2. CD±ROM Disc TrayLoading a CD±ROM Disc in a Horizontally Mounted Drive Unloading a CD±ROM Disc in a Horizontally Mounted Drive Loading a CD±ROM Disc in a Vertically Mounted Drive ±5. Inserting a CD±ROM Disc Vertical MountUnloading a CD±ROM Disc in a Vertically Mounted Drive ±10±11 Mounting a CD±ROM DiscMkdir /cdrom Return ±12 Unmounting a CD±ROM DiscCd /cdrom Return ±13 Reading the Busy Light ±14Maintenance and Troubleshooting Caring for the CD±ROM Discs Etc/ioscan Return TroubleshootingCheck the Address Settings for Single±Ended Drives Screen similar to the following appears Usr/sbin/ioscan ±d sdisk Return Check the Hardware Installation Recheck the Address Settings Verify the System Operation using SupportWave # man cstm Return # man mstm Return # man xstm ReturnFollowing screen appears Cstm verify all Return When you see the prompt shown above, type the following Removing and Replacing the CD±ROM Drive Removal and Replacement ProceduresField Replaceable Units Description Part Number CD±ROM Drive A4325±60001Appendix a Canadian Department of Communications CDC Emissions RegulationsFederal Communications Commission FCC Regulation On Noise Declaration For Machines ±3. Gsgv Emissions Regulations ComplianceAcoustics Electrostatic Discharge ESD Precautions Laser Safety Statement For U.S.A. Only Laserturvallisuus Loukan 1 Laserlaite Klass 1 Laser ApparatIEC 825 Class Laser Labels Warnung Appendix B Order Number A1658±90669 Edition E0895