2.16.10 mngt accesslist
This command allows you to specify that the system administrator can login from a specific host or network. A maximum of three IPs/subnet masks is allowed.
mngt accesslist list
mngt accesslist add [index][ip addr][mask]
mngt accesslist remove [index] mngt accesslist flush
Syntax Description |
list | It can display current setting for your reference. |
add | It means adding a new entry. |
index | It means to specify the number of the entry. |
ip addr | It means to specify an IP address. |
mask | It means to specify the subnet mask for the IP address. |
remove | It means to delete the selected item. |
flush | It means to remove all the settings in the access list. |
Example |
>mngt accesslist add 1 %% Set OK.
66 | Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1 |