Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1 47
2.14 srv

2.14.1 srv dhcp

This command allows users to set relational settings for DHCP server. srv dhcp fixip
srv dhcp fixip add [IP Addr][MAC Addr XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX][Host ID]
srv dhcp fixip clr
srv dhcp fixip del [IP Addr]
Syntax Description
add It means to add a new specified dhcp client.
IP Addr It means the IP address of the specified client.
MAC Addr It means the MAC address of the specified client.
Host ID It means to specify the ID name of local host.
clr It means to clear all the fixed IP addresses.
del [IP Addr] It means to delete the specified IP address.
> srv dhcp fixip add 22-33-44-55-66-77
> srv dhcp fixip clr
> srv dhcp fixip add 33-44-55-66-77-88
> srv dhcp fixip del srv dhcp gateway
This command allows users to specify gateway address for DHCP server.
srv dhcp gateway [?]
srv dhcp gateway [Gateway]
Syntax Description
? It means to display current gateway that you can use.
Gateway It means to specify a gateway address used for DHCP server.
> srv dhcp gateway
This function need rebooting router, please type "sys reboot" command to reboot