2.16.7 mngt defenseworm
This command can block specified port for passing through the router.
mngt defenseworm [?] mngt defenseworm [on] mngt defenseworm [off] mngt defenseworm [add port] mngt defenseworm [del port] mngt defenseworm [viewlog] mngt defenseworm [clearlog]
Syntax Description |
? | It means to display current status. The default setting for Block TCP |
| port includes 135, 137, 138, 139 and 445. |
on | It means to activate the function of defense worm packet out. |
off | It means to inactivate the function of defense worm packet out. |
add port | It means to add a new TCP port for block. |
del port | It means to delete a TCP port for block. |
viewlog | It means to display current log of |
clearlog | It means the |
viewlog | It means to display a log of defense worm packet, including source |
| MAC and source IP. |
clearlog | It means to remvoe the log of defense worm packet. |
Example |
>mngt defenseworm add 21 Add TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445, 21
>mngt defenseworm del 21
Delete TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1 | 63 |