Phone support in £urope | Middme |
and Africa |
HP Consumer Support phone numbers and policies may change. Visit the following website to check the details and conditions of phone support in your country/region:
Algeria +213 (0)61 56 45 43
Austria +43 (0)820 87 4417
Ba}_in +973 800 728
Belgium 070 300 005 (Dutch)
070 300 004 (French)
Czech Republic +42 (0) 2 6130 7310
Denmark +45 70202845
Egypf +20 02 532 5222
Finland +358 (0)203 66 767
France +33 (0) 892 6960 22 (Euro 0.34/min)
Germany +49 (0) 180 5652 180 (Euro 0.12/rain)
Gr_e +30 10 60 73 603
Hungary +36 (0) 1 382 1111
kelar_d 1890 923902
_rael +972 (0) 9 830 4848
l_aly 848 800 871
Luxemburg 900 40 006 (French) 900 40 007 (German)
Moracco +212 224 04747
Chapter7: Troubleshootingand support | 95 |