Other phone suppor wor dwid÷
HP Consumer Support phone numbers and policies may change. Visit the following website to check the details and conditions of phone support in your country/region:
Arger_fina +54 0 810 555 5520
AusfraEia +61 (3) 8877 8000 (or local (03) 8877 8000)
Brazil +55 (11) 3747 7799 (Grande Sao PauJo)
+55 0800 157751 (outside Grande Sao PauJo)
Canada +1 905 206 4663 (during the warranty period) +1 877 621 4722 (after the warranty period)
Central America and the Carib_an +1 800 711 2884
Chib +56 800 22 5547
China +86 (1O) 6564 5959
CoJ®mbia +57 9 800 114 726
Gua_r_ala +502 1 800 999 5105
Hong Kong SAR +852 3002 8555
_ndia 1 600 112267 or +91 11 682 6035 (Hindi & English)
_ndo_e_ia +62 (21) 350 3408
Japan 0570 000 511 (inside Japan)
+81 3 3335 9800 (outside Japan)
Kor_; Republic of +82 (2) 3270 0700 (Seoul)
Malaysia +60 1 800 805 405
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