_oodark | enough | light, | iconditions to improve, add | |
| _ ndirect lighting, or adjust the | |
| i page 38). | |
| your subjeci is withit] |
| on, but the | the flash working distance (see | ||
| subjectwas too i Append x B: Specifications on | |||
| ifar away. | i page 105) or try turning flash off | ||
| iI |
| i!(will require a longer exposure). | |
| ]_tiingi]ee |
| iibehind the | page | 30) to brighten the subject. | |
| subject. | !Or adjust the Expos_,_ | ||
| jCor_!_el'rsatk(seepagen 38). | |
| j Your finger | j Be sure to move your fingers | ||
| blocked the | ;;awayfrom the flash when you | ||
| flash, |
| take | a picture. |
| i |
| i |
| i The scenehad | Increasethe Exposul!e: | ||
| many | light- | (ompensa oil (see page 38) so | |
| coored | objects, the | ||
| i_suchas a white Jscenewill not look "muddy." |
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting and support | 81 |