R÷¢arding and d÷l÷ting audio dips
NOTE This option works only with still images, not video clips.
Aftertaking a stillpicture,you can go back laterand add an audioclip to it. If an imagealready containsan audioclip, you can record a new clip or deletethecurrentaudio clip.
IIn Playbackmode,selectthe imageyou want, thenpressOK to displaythe Playbackmenu.
2Selectthe _ RecordAudio option.
3Ifthe image doesnot already havean audio clip, recording startsimmediately.Recordingwill continueuntil you pressOK again or the memoryfills up (whichever comesfirst). A microphoneicon
(@) and an elapsedtimecounter
appear inthe middleof the Image Displayduring recording.
If the currentimage already hasan audio clip, the @ RecordAudio menuoption will takeyou to a sub- menuthatallowsyou to keepthe currentaudio clip, recorda new clip, or deletethe currentclip.
Chapter 3: Reviewing images and video clips | 51 |