Tefal EF352116 manual Fondue recipes

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TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 09:44 PAGE30

Fondue recipes

The number of servings and the cooking times are given as an indication only and can vary according to the size of the food, quantity of ingredients and personal taste.

Cheese fondue(serves 6)



Cut the bread into cubes. Rub the inside of the pot with a garlic clove. Switch the thermostat to position 5 and pour the white wine into the pot. Leave to warm for 6 to 10 minutes. Add the cheese gradually, while stirring until smooth. As

EN soon as the cheese is melted, add the glass of kirsch, pepper and grated nutmeg.

While eating, switch the thermostat gradually to position 3. Spear a bread cube with the fork and dip it in the fondue. Serve with a dry white wine (Crépi, Apremont, etc.) accompanined by cubes of crusty bread. FortheUKonly:Beaufort and Comte are sold in the French cheese aisle of some larger UK supermarkets. If you cannot buy Beaufort substitute with Gruyere instead.

Chinese fondue(serves 6)

450 g beef fillet or sirloin cut into thin long strips • 450 g pork fillet cut into thin long strips • 1 litre chicken stock

3 tsp soy sauce • 1 celery stick • 1 garlic clove • 1/2 onion • Chinese 5 Spice powder • 20 g black dry Chinese mushrooms (soaked overnight)

Switch the thermostat to position 5. Pour 1 litre of chicken stock into the pot and 3 teaspoons of soy sauce. Add 1 peeled garlic clove, 1/2 onion cut into thin slices, 1 celery stick cut into strips, half of the mushrooms cut into thin slices, 1 teaspoonful of Chinese 5 spice powder and salt. Let it warm for 5 minutes then switch the thermostat to position 4. Let the stock simmer for about 10 minutes before eating.

Spear the meat with the fork and dip it in the stock. Let it cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with dry white wine or rosé or naturally with Chinese green tea.

Servingsuggestions:Cantonese rice (boiled white rice with an omelette (3 eggs) cut into strips, a few Chinese sausages or ham slices, 1 onion chopped and sautéed in butter), mushrooms, bamboo shoots sliced thinly, soybean sprouts, pickles and white onions in vinegar.

Sauce: Soy sauce.

Beef bourguignon fondue(serves 6)

• 1 litre good quality groundnut or vegetableoil • 200 g beef fillet per person, cut into cubes of 2 cm

Switch the thermostat to position 5. Pour the oil into the pot and heat for about 15 minutes. While eating leave the thermostat on position 5. Spear the meat with the fork and dip in the oil for 1 to 2 minutes. Discard the oil after use. Sauces: Mayonnaise, garlic mayonnaise, tarragon mayonnaise, thousand island dresing, spicy sauce, bearnaise sauce.

Caribbean fondue(serves 6)

500 g fillets of fresh cod or whiting • 3 garlic cloves • 1 onion • 1 bird’s eye chilli (optional) • 2 large potatoes, cooked and peeled • 6 king prawns (or 18 whole prawns) peeled • Flour • 2 eggs • 1 litre good quality groundnut or vegetableoil

Chop the fillet of cod or whiting, garlic cloves, onion, chilli and potatoes. Mix this with 2 beaten eggs and form walnut-sized balls and roll them in the flour. Cut the king prawns into two or three pieces or leave the ordinary prawns whole. Coat them lightly with flour. Pour 1 litre of oil into the pot. Switch the thermostat to position 5 and heat for 15 to 20 minutes. While eating, leave the thermostat on position 5. Spear a ball with the fork and fry for about 5 minutes; 2 to 3 minutes are enough to cook the king prawns (slightly less for small prawns).

Serving suggestion: Creole rice.

Sauces: Mayonnaise, pili pili.

Chocolate fondue(serves 6)

500 g good quality plain chocolate • 400 ml double fresh cream • 2 tablespoons Cognac (optional) • fresh fruits cut into pieces: strawberries, pears, bananas, apples, peaches, apricots, pineapples, prunes

Switch the thermostat to position 1 and heat the fresh cream in the pot for about 2 minutes. Add the chocolate cut in small pieces and leave to heat for 10 minutes, stirring until the mixture becomes smooth. Then add 2 tablespoons of Cognac. While eating, leave the thermostat on position 1. Spear one or two fruit pieces with the fork and dip them into the chocolate. Serving suggestions: marshmallows, squares of plain cake, sponge fingers or biscuits,brioche, whole nuts.


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Contents Fondue TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE1Enlever tous les emballages, autocollants ou Dans les fermesDans les environnements de type chambres ’hôtes TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE2Distance séparé Service après-venteTerre incorporée ’appareilConseils importants en utilisation Fondue a L’HUILE TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE4Contenance Ne pas utiliser d’huiles de pépins de raisinsLe sécher avant de lutiliser TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE5TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE6 FaireConseils / informations Merci d’avoir acheté cet appareilTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE7 Ne pas faireEnvironnement Fondue AmbianceFondue bourguignonnepour 6 personnes FR Recettes fonduesTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE8 Fondue au chocolatpour 6 personnesHetapparaatnooitzondertoezichtgebruiken. NL TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE9Ditapparaatmaggebruiktwordendoorkinderen TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE10Gebruik telkens nieuwe olie Voeg geen tuinkruiden of andere specerijen toe aan de olieTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0943 PAGE11 Inhoud Zie maatstreepje Bouillon maximaal 1,5 L waterTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE12 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE13 DoenInformatie Wij danken u voor de aankoop van dit apparaatTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE14 Niet doenMilieu Alleen fondue AmbianceBourguignonne fondue voor 6 personen Fondue receptenTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE15 Antilliaanse visfondue voor 6 personenFrühstückspensionen Privaten Haushalten bestimmtLandwirtschaftlichen Anwesen TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE16Ros TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE17TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE18 Wichtige Benutzungshinweise Fondue MIT ÖL TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE19Markierungen Ausgespült und getrocknet werdenInhalt Siehe Markierungen. Bouillon Maximum 1,5 l WasserTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE21 ImmerRatschläge / Informationen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bezüglich der Reinigung des HolztablettTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE22 NiemalsUmwelt Denken Sie an den Schutz der UmweltChinesisches Fondue für 6 Personen Fondue RezepteTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE23 Fondue nach Art der Antillen für 6 PersonenSafety Instructions Important Safeguards TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE24Her Tial TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE25Important tips when cooking Fondue with OIL TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE26 Oil1litreminimumto1.25litresmaximum EN Line with the marks TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE27TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE28 Cleaning precautions for the glass plate fondue AmbianceAdvises / information Thank you for buying this applianceTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE29 Do notEnvironment Environment protection firstFondue recipes No están cubiertos por la garantía TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE31Cuando utilice alimentos congelados, asegúrese TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE32Fondue CON Aceite TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE33TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE34 Consejos / información Ar yLo que se debe hacer TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE35TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE36 Lo que debe cuidar para evitar riesgosMedio ambiente ¡¡ Participe en la conservación del medio ambienteRecetas de fondue TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE37Fondue de chocolatepara 6 personas Em quintas Desenrole o cabo por completoTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE38 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE39 Supervisionadas TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE40Conteúdo TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE41Fazer Conselhos / informaçõesTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE42 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE43 Não fazerAmbiente Protecção do ambiente em primeiro lugarFondue de queijo para 6 pessoas Receitas fonduesTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE44 Fondue das Caraibaspara 6 pessoasConsigli DI Sicurezza Precauzioni Importanti TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE45TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE46 Siano perfettamente scongelati Viraccomandiamogliolidigirasoleed’arachideTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE47 Di un’ora CapacitàRispettando i livelli Rispettando i livelli. Acqua 1,5 l maxiTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE49 Cosa fareConsigli / informazioni Grazie per aver acquistato questo apparecchioCosa non fare TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE50Partecipiamo alla protezione dell’ambiente Ricette Fonduta TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE51ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓÙ· Ù‡Ô˘ ÂÓÔÈÎÈ·˙fiÌÂÓˆÓ ‰È·ÌÂÚÈÛÌ¿ÙˆÓ TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE52˘Û΢‹˜ ›Â˜Ù˘ Û˘Û΢‹˜ Ì Á›ˆÛËTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE54 Ûùâáóòûùâ ÙÔÓ Î·Ï¿ ÚÈÓ ÙÔÓ Í·Ó·¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔÈ‹ÛÂÙ TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE55˘Ì‚Ô˘Ï‹ / ¶ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜ ÈÚËÙÈÎfiÙËÙ·ÂӉ›ÍÂȘ ÛÙ¿ıÌ˘ TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE56TÈ ÚÂÂÈ Ó· ηÓÂÙ TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE57Συνταγές για φοντί TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE59 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE60 Dette apparat og ledningen må ikke dyppes ned i vand TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE61Autonomi 1 time IndholdSom vist på mærkerne TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE62Hvad man skal gøre Råd / oplysningerneTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE63 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE64 Hvad man ikke skal gøreMiljøet Vi skal alle være med til at beskytte miljøetFondueopskrifter TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE65Fondue bourguignonnetil 6 personer Sikkerhetsinstruksjoner Viktige Forsiktighetsregler TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE66Under apparatet Som finnes hos produsenten eller dens KundeserviceKan være høy mens apparatet er i bruk Skikkelig av segTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE68 OljeMinimum1litertilmaksimum1,25liter Se merkene TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE69TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE70 Det man må gjøreRåd / informasjon Takk for at du kjøpte dette apparatetDet man ikke må gjøre TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE71Ta hensyn til miljøet Fondue savoyarde til 6 personer Oppskrifter på fondueTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE72 Fondue antillaisetil 6 personerÄlä koskaan jätä toiminnassa olevaa laitetta valvomatta On huolehdittava siitä, että lapset eivät leiki laitteellaTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE73 Jälkimyyntipalvelusta TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE74Tärkeitä neuvoja Fonduekattilan Öljyn käyttöön TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE75Tilavuus TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE76TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE77 Tee näinNeuvoja / tiedot Kiitos, että ostit tämän tuotteen itsellesiTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE78 Älä tee näinYmpäristö Huolehtikaamme ympäristöstäFonduereseptejä Apparaten Tabortalltförpackningsmaterial,klisterlapparoch TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE80Ytorna när apparaten är i funktion ServiceverkstadRulla ut sladden helt och hållet För Rör aldrig vid apparatens varma delarAnvänd alltid ny olja Blanda inte olika oljor TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE82Volym Enligt märkena Buljong högst 1,5 liter vattenTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE83 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE84 Gör så härRåd / information Tack för att du har köpt denna apparatTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE85 Gör inte så härMiljö Var rädd om miljönKinesisk fondue6 personer FonduereceptTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE86 Västindisk fondue 6 personerCihaz çalışır durumdayken kesinlikle yanından ayrılmayın Güç kordonunu tamamen açınTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE87 Yüksek olabilir TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE88TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE89 Kapasite TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE90Yapilmasi gerekenler Tavsiyeler / EñformasyoñTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE91 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE92 Yapilmamasi gerekenlerÇevre Önce çevre korumaFondü tarifleri TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE108 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE109 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE110 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE111 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE112 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE113 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE114 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE115 TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE116 AlgeriaTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE117 IndonesiaTEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE118 PortugalTefal / T-FAL International Guarantee TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE119TEF-FONDUE-2017624610 07/06/12 0944 PAGE120
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