Samsung WF0804Y8E/YLE manual Jegyzet

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WF0804Y8-03047A-03(YLE).indb 47

2011-9-5 11:27:57

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WF0804Y8E/YLE specifications

The Samsung WF0804Y8E1/YLE and WF0804Y8E/YLE are innovative washing machines designed to revolutionize the way we approach laundry. These models are part of Samsung's well-regarded line of front-loading washers, combining advanced technology with user-friendly features to deliver exceptional cleaning performance.

One of the standout features of the WF0804Y8E1 and WF0804Y8E is their EcoBubble technology. This unique system uses a special bubble generator to create tiny bubble detergent that penetrates fabrics more effectively. As a result, garments are washed thoroughly even at low temperatures, translating into significant energy savings. This not only helps in reducing electricity bills but also minimizes the environmental impact, making these washing machines an eco-friendly choice.

In addition to EcoBubble technology, both models are equipped with Samsung’s Digital Inverter Motor. This advanced motor is engineered to operate quietly while consuming less energy. It also boasts a long lifespan, as it reduces wear and tear compared to conventional motors. The innovative design ensures that users can enjoy a peaceful laundry experience without the disruptive noise often associated with older washing machines.

Another impressive feature is the Smart Check function, which utilizes a smartphone app to diagnose issues and provides troubleshooting solutions in real-time. Simply scan the machine's error codes with your phone, and you'll receive instant assistance, saving time and reducing the need for professional repairs.

The WF0804Y8E1/YLE and WF0804Y8E/YLE also come with various washing programs tailored to different fabric types and soil levels. With settings for cotton, synthetic, delicate, and wool, users can ensure optimal care for each type of garment, maintaining the quality and longevity of their wardrobe.

Safety is also a key consideration in these models, as evidenced by their child lock feature, which prevents unintended use or changes to settings by curious little hands. Additionally, the clear digital display makes it easy for users to select their preferred options and monitor the cycle progress.

In summary, the Samsung WF0804Y8E1/YLE and WF0804Y8E/YLE are more than just washing machines; they represent a blend of technology, efficiency, and user convenience. With features like EcoBubble technology, a Digital Inverter Motor, and Smart Check functionality, these machines provide excellent washing results while ensuring a user-friendly experience. Ideal for modern households, they set a new standard for laundry appliances.