If a programmed zone goes into alarm, the Touchpad/keypad sounder will activate and will remain activated until the RESET button is pressed or the system is disarmed.
Trouble; Fire Trouble
An abnormal zone condition (a break in a normally-closed loop; a short on a normally-open loop; or either on an end-of-line-resistor supervised loop) when disarmed.
Trouble on a Burglary Zone is automatically displayed at the Touchpad/keypad unless Disable Zone Fault Scrolling is programmed. If a Burglary Zone is in trouble, it will go into alarm about 10 seconds after arming. However, if Auto Bypass is programmed, the Touch- pad/keypad will beep upon arming (does not apply to selective- or group-bypassed zones).
Trouble (open and/or short circuit) on a Day Zone is indicated by a pulsing sounder; display the Day Zone(s) in trouble in the LCD win- dow. Keypad/Touchpad indications are reset by the RESET button unless Reset Day Zone With Arm/Disarm is selected.
Trouble on a Fire Zone will be indicated by the "FIRE/TRBL" reminder and the sounder. An open circuit (trouble) will cause a flashing "SYSTEM TROUBLE/E41-00 SERVICE" display and a pulsing sounder after a 15-second delay. (A short circuit will cause an alarm condition: steady-on "FIRE ALARM" display and pulsing sounder). The RESET button will silence the sounder. Clear the trouble, then press the the RESET button once again. The Touchpad/keypad will reset after a brief delay.
Trouble on Open; Trouble on Short (Not for UL installations)
Trouble on Open will identify an open circuit on a loop as a trouble. Trouble on Short will identify a short circuit as a trouble. While there will be no indication at the Touchpad/keypad, any of these trouble conditions can be reported if Report Trouble is programmed as well. Note: For use on Burg type Zones only, not for use with 24-Hour Protection feature.
Trouble/Trouble Restore Telco 1/Telco 3 See Report Telco 1/Telco 3
Trouble/Trouble Restore Telco 2 See Backup Report on Telco 2
Two-Digit Format See Data Format
Two-Wire Smoke Detectors See Smoke Detectors
User Codes/Area 1-4 Options; User Closing and Opening Reports by Telephone Numbers; Enable User Code by Area
Up to 64 six-digit User Codes are programmable, each with its dedicated Area 1 through Area 4 Options. (Disabled, Arm/Disarm, Arm Only, Service, Access, Ambush, User Program and Bypass Enable). Refer to Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. If reporting to a central station, program User Closing and Opening Reports by Telephone Numbers. Note: An Ambush Code should not contain digits used as the first two digits of any user code. Note: Duplicate User Codes are not allowed.
Veri-Phone™ Audio Priority Over Alarms; Veri-Phone Zones Trip PGM2 Output
If Silence All Outputs During Audio Session is selected, all output relays will turn off whenever an active low is applied to control-panel Lug E19 (Listen In). Connect Veri-Phone Terminal 16 (INHO) to Lug E19. Note: Do not program Keypad Sounder on Alarm for Listen-In Zones.
If "Veri-Phone Audio Priority Over Alarms" is programmed and an active low is applied to the panel's Listen-In Lug (E19), any subsequent alarm reports (except fire alarms) generated during an audio session will be delayed until the end of the session. (Whenever a listen-in session is in progress, the Veri-Phone will output an active low at its INHO Terminal (16) and Lug E1).
Program "Veri-Phone Zones Trip PGM2 Output" to have selectable Listen-In Zones. Connect Veri-Phone Terminal 13 (TRIGL) to control-panel Terminal 8 (PGM2). Program the zone or event for PGM2. Do not use the PGM2 for any other purpose.
Zone Directory
The Touchpad will support the display of the Zone Directory. Press Runtil "ENTER BYPASS MENU" appears, press YES and "DISPLAY ZN DIRECTORY Y/N" displays. Press YES. Scroll through the zone directory by pressing YES or NO.
Zone ANDing, Groups 1–4 (Not for UL installations); Enable Local Alarm on First Zone "AND" Trip (Not for UL installations)
Up to four groups of at least two zones each can be "AND"ed, wherein the system will go into alarm only if any two zones of the group are tripped within a factory default time of one minute (but adjustable from 1 to 255 seconds via "Zone ANDing Time Window"). This feature is designed to afford redundant protection for devices, such as glass break detectors, PIRs, etc., that may show a tendency to false under certain conditions. Program each Group for any number of Zones available. All Zones in any Group must be within the same Area. Do not mix 24-Hour Zones and non-24-Hour Zones within the same Group. Do not include a Panic Zone as part of any Group. Auto-Reset must be programmed for each Zone ANDing Zone. Note: Any zone that is bypassed or goes into Swinger Shut- down will automatically disable Zone Anding for the entire Group. If "Enable Local Alarm on First ZoneAND Trip" is programmed, a trip on any Zone of the Group will cause an alarm output and alarm display at the Touchpad/keypad; there will be no communication to the central station. Note: If "Enable CP-01 Limits" is enabled in EZ Programming, any Zone in a Group will only activate an alarm and send a report ONCE. After the Zone has reported, it will remain in the Group and may still initiate the Zone ANDing sequence.
Zone Area 1–4 See Areas