a.Shut off power supply.
b.Remove front cover.
c. Visually inspect around heating element for evidence of leaks.
d.Rub around the heating element with a rag. Check for any evidence of moisture. If moisture is present or a water drip is observed, follow procedure outlined in Section V. CAUTION: The area around the heating element may be hot.
4.Scale and mineral
NOTE: Failure of the elements due to scale and mineral
a.Shut off power supply.
b.Drain the tank.
c.Remove front cover.
d.Disconnect the element wiring. It is recommended that one element at a time is removed to simplify
e.Unscrew element.
f.Lime scale removal
i.Place limed ends of the heating element in a
g.Other scale removal
i.Silicates, sulfates, and aluminates must be removed by scraping or other mechanical means.
h.Flush the cleaned ends of the elements with clean water.
k.Continue until all heating elements are cleaned.
l.Fill the heater following the filling instructions provided in Section II and check around the elements for leaks.
5.Check for loose electrical connections. Tighten as necessary.
1.Err, No, Prb
a.This message will flash when the controller does not detect that the probe is connected to the control board. To clear this error reinsert the probe connector and press RESET.
2.Err, too, hot, ### (where ### is the actual temperature of the water.)
a.This message will display if the temperature of the water exceed the high limit temperature setpoint. To clear this error, wait until the temperature is below the operating setpoint and press RESET. Note that the unit will not reset until the indicated temperature is below 195°F. If this message continually occurs, follow the troubleshooting flow chart for continuous over- temperature condition.
3.Err, No, H2O
a.This message will display when the water level in the tank has dropped below the sensor probe. To clear this message, refill the tank. If the low water reset is set for automatic, the