Honeywell LYNXR24 manual 67$786

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5.7(67KEY: Tests the system and alarm sounder.

6.%<3$66KEY: Removes individual protection

zones from being monitored by the system. Displays currently bypassed zones.

Used to adjust volume of voice messages.

7.2'(KEY: Allows entry of additional user codes that can be given to other system users.

8.&+,0(KEY: Turns the Chime mode on and

off. When on, any entry through a protected delay or perimeter zone while the system is disarmed will cause a tone and voice descriptor to sound at the keypad.

9.INTERNAL SOUNDER: Source of alarm sounds (see "Summary of Audible Notifications" section).

10.)81&7,21KEY: Allows alternate key

functions. It is used as a “repeat” key during Clock/Calendar setting.





KEY: Used with STAY or AWAY






KEY: Can be programmed


function to eliminate the entry delay. Alarm


sounds immediately if entry is opened.




KEY: When pressed prior to arming,


the keypad will display all open zones, and will


announce system status.











KEYS: Turns










lights or other devices on or off, if programmed by


the installer.


























to either perform a predefined function or to send a preset message to a pager or a “Follow Me” system phone number.

15. 67$</ '(/(7(KEY: Arms the perimeter

burglary protection, guarding protected doors, windows and other perimeter protection points, and sounds an alarm if one is opened. Interior protection is not armed, which allows movement within your house without causing an alarm. Entrance can be made through an entry delay zone without causing an alarm if the system is disarmed before the entry delay time expires. Used to delete messages.

16. $:$</ $''KEY: Completely arms both

perimeter and interior burglary protection for backup protection by sensing an intruder's movements through protected interior areas as well as guarding protected doors, windows, etc. Entrance can be made through an entry delay zone without causing an alarm if the system is disarmed before the entry delay time expires. Used to accept “Follow Me” phone number and Clock/ Calendar mode entries.

17. 2))/ (6&$3(KEY: Disarms the burglary

portion of the system, silences alarms and audible trouble indicators, and clears alarm trouble display after the problem has been corrected. Used to exit/abort “Follow Me” phone number and Clock/Calendar mode.

18.MICROPHONE: Used to record personal messages up to 85 seconds long.

19.SPEAKER: Source of audible internal warning and confirmation sounds, status announcements, as well as alarms (see "Summary of Audible Notifications").

20.RECORD: Activates the recording function to record personal messages.

21.VOLUME: Sets the volume of system announcements and status beeps.

––KEYS 0-9: Used to enter your individual security access code(s).

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Image 10
Contents 6HFXULW\6\VWHP $%/2&217176 Hdwxuhv HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ66702959 6HFXULW\&RGHV LUH3URWHFWLRQXUJODU\3URWHFWLRQ $ODUPVTo arm in Away mode To restart exit delayChecking system status To arm in Stay mode To arm with no DelayTo remotely bypass a zone To turn Test mode onTo remotely deactivate -10 devices 7 To remotely activate forced bypass$ERXWWKH0DVWHU.H\SDG Hqhudo0DVWHU.H\SDGHILQLWLRQV Armed Ready67$786 $ERXWWKHLVSOD\DQG,QGLFDWRUV 0HDQLQJVKHFNLQJ6\VWHP6WDWXV \VWHP&DQ%H$UPHG$UPLQJLQ6WD\0RGH Restarting Exit Delay While System Armed$UPLQJWKH6\VWHP $UPLQJ,Q$ZD\0RGH$UPLQJWKH6\VWHPLWK1RHOD\ $$RU67 $KROGGRZQIDWOHDVWVHFRQGV4XLFN$UPLQJ Exit Alarms Exit Alarm Active QWU\HOD\LVDUPLQJWKH6\VWHP To disarm the system and silence burglary alarms0HPRU\RI$ODUP \SDVVLQJ,QGLYLGXDO=RQHV \SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHVRUFHG%\SDVV 3DQLF.H\V 3DQLF.H\V&KLPH0RGHKLPH0RGH Rghrupdw 3DJLQJHDWXUH$XWRPDWLF3DJLQJ 0DQXDO3DJLQJSystem Announcements Reminder AnnouncementsTo program Follow Me reminder telephone number To delete Follow Me reminder telephone numberYour user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7 HylfhhvfulswlrqvDevice Description To record a message 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN Deleting Messages0HVVDJH5HFRUGLQJ3OD\EDFN9ROXPH&RQWURO To adjust message playback/system announcement volumeTo restore announcement sounding $GMXVWLQJ WKH9ROXPH$8XQFWLRQ 3HUIRUPLQJWKH$8IXQFWLRQMinute ORFN&DOHQGDUHour MonthDay Year6FKHGXOLQJ8VHU,QWHUIDFH 6FKHGXOH = the value that was last stored in the memoryHJLQD\ LOO Yhqw WlilhuLjxuh QYDOLGGD\HWU\8VLQJ5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH EnterTo remotely deactivate X-10 devices 7 Remote Phone Control Commands5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH To remotely check system statusHQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Dvhriluh1DWLRQDOLUH 3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ·V 6PRNHHWHFWRU5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVPHUJHQF\YDFXDWLRQ 7R$GGHOHWHD8VHURU&KDQJHD8VHUV&RGH 6HFXULW\&RGHVChanging the Master User Code QWHULQJ7HVW0RGH LW7HVW0RGH\SLFDO7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQLVSOD\V 7URXEOH0HVVDJHV5RXWLQH&DUH 0DLQWDLQLQJ\RXUV\VWHP RZ%DWWHU\&RQGLWLRQVLQLUHOHVV6HQVRUVLED Meanings $1$$&6//151$8//151127,&7KLVLV D *UDGH $ Uhvlghqwldo V\V 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06 Servicing Information Owners Insurance Premium Credit Request Notifies Insert B = Burglary, F = FireOwners Insurance Premium Credit Request Away Mode Pager feature 19, 20 Limitations of this Alarm System ONE Year Limited Warranty 1276 1276 1276 1276 9Al