Honeywell LYNXR24 manual Hdwxuhv, Hqhudo,Qirupdwlrq

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This system offers you three forms of protection: burglary, fire, and emergency, depending on the configuration of your system. The system consists of a master keypad for controlling system operation, various wireless sensors that provide perimeter and interior burglary protection, and optional smoke or combustion detectors to provide early fire warning. In addition, optional wireless keypads may have been installed to allow you to control the system away from the master keypad.

The system uses microcomputer technology to monitor all protection zones and system status, display appropriate information on the keypad display, and initiate appropriate alarms. Your system may also have been programmed to automatically send alarm or status messages over the phone lines to a central alarm monitoring station.

The user features of this security system are listed below. Ask your installer which features have been programmed for your system.

STAY and AWAY arming modes: By using these modes you can protect either the perimeter only, or the entire premises.

3 panic key functions: Designated keys allow you to manually activate fire, personal emergency, or silent alarms. Refer to the PANIC KEYS section for detailed information.

Paging feature: If programmed by your installer this feature alerts you to certain system conditions by displaying code numbers that indicate the type of condition that has occurred. In addition, pressing the AUX key can send a predefined message to your pager, if programmed to do so (see AUX key function below). Refer to the PAGING FEATURE section for detailed information.

Follow me system announcements: Allows the LYNXR/LYNXR24 to dial a number, programmed by your installer, and deliver system announcements.

Follow me reminder announcements: Allows the LYNXR/LYNXR24 to dial a number, that you have specified, at a programmed time and day and deliver a message programmed by your installer.

Real-time clock: Keypad displays current time. Refer to the CLOCK/CALENDAR section for procedures for setting the time.

Voice announcement of system status: The master keypad’s built-in speaker announces system status at the press of a key. Refer to the CHECKING SYSTEM STATUS section for detailed information.

Message center: The system allows recording and play back of brief messages. Refer to the RECORDING/PLAYBACK MESSAGES section for procedures.

Device activation: Designated keys allow you to turn lights and/or other devices on and off. In

addition, some devices (e.g., a light) may be programmed to activate automatically as a result of a system event such as an alarm or trouble condition￿￿￿. Refer to the USING POWERLINE CARRIER DEVICE COMMANDS section for detailed information.

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Contents 6HFXULW\6\VWHP $%/2&217176 HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Hdwxuhv66702959 $ODUPV LUH3URWHFWLRQXUJODU\3URWHFWLRQ 6HFXULW\&RGHVTo arm with no Delay To restart exit delayChecking system status To arm in Stay mode To arm in Away modeTo remotely activate forced bypass To turn Test mode onTo remotely deactivate -10 devices 7 To remotely bypass a zoneHqhudo $ERXWWKH0DVWHU.H\SDGArmed Ready 0DVWHU.H\SDGHILQLWLRQV67$786 0HDQLQJV $ERXWWKHLVSOD\DQG,QGLFDWRUV\VWHP&DQ%H$UPHG KHFNLQJ6\VWHP6WDWXV$UPLQJ,Q$ZD\0RGH Restarting Exit Delay While System Armed$UPLQJWKH6\VWHP $UPLQJLQ6WD\0RGH$$RU67 $KROGGRZQIDWOHDVWVHFRQGV $UPLQJWKH6\VWHPLWK1RHOD\4XLFN$UPLQJ QWU\HOD\ Exit Alarms Exit Alarm ActiveTo disarm the system and silence burglary alarms LVDUPLQJWKH6\VWHP0HPRU\RI$ODUP \SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV \SDVVLQJ,QGLYLGXDO=RQHVRUFHG%\SDVV 3DQLF.H\V&KLPH0RGH 3DQLF.H\VKLPH0RGH 0DQXDO3DJLQJ 3DJLQJHDWXUH$XWRPDWLF3DJLQJ RghrupdwReminder Announcements System AnnouncementsTo delete Follow Me reminder telephone number To program Follow Me reminder telephone numberHylfhhvfulswlrqv Your user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7Device Description Deleting Messages 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN To record a message$GMXVWLQJ WKH9ROXPH To adjust message playback/system announcement volumeTo restore announcement sounding 0HVVDJH5HFRUGLQJ3OD\EDFN9ROXPH&RQWURO3HUIRUPLQJWKH$8IXQFWLRQ $8XQFWLRQMonth ORFN&DOHQGDUHour MinuteYear Day6FKHGXOLQJ8VHU,QWHUIDFH = the value that was last stored in the memory 6FKHGXOHHJLQD\ Yhqw Wlilhu LOOQYDOLGGD\HWU\ LjxuhEnter 8VLQJ5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUHTo remotely check system status Remote Phone Control Commands5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH To remotely deactivate X-10 devices 7Dvhriluh HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ6PRNHHWHFWRU5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 1DWLRQDOLUH 3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ·VPHUJHQF\YDFXDWLRQ 6HFXULW\&RGHV 7R$GGHOHWHD8VHURU&KDQJHD8VHUV&RGHChanging the Master User Code LW7HVW0RGH QWHULQJ7HVW0RGH7URXEOH0HVVDJHV \SLFDO7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQLVSOD\V5RXWLQH&DUH RZ%DWWHU\&RQGLWLRQVLQLUHOHVV6HQVRUV 0DLQWDLQLQJ\RXUV\VWHPLED Meanings $1$$&6//151$8//151127,&7KLVLV D *UDGH $ Uhvlghqwldo V\V 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06 Servicing Information Notifies Insert B = Burglary, F = Fire Owners Insurance Premium Credit RequestOwners Insurance Premium Credit Request Away Mode Pager feature 19, 20 Limitations of this Alarm System ONE Year Limited Warranty 1276 1276 1276 1276 9Al