Honeywell LYNXR24 manual 66702959

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AUX key function: Designated key lets you activate a predefined series of keystrokes with a single

press of the


key plus user code, or manually send a pager message. It will also allow you to

manually send a voice message to phone number that has been programmed by your installer. Ask

your installer which of these features has been assigned to the


key in your LYNXR/LYNXR24.

Refer to the AUX FUNCTION section for detailed information.

Scheduling feature: Allows you to schedule the automatic activation or deactivation of X-10 devices or program events (e.g. alarm clock, reminder, and latch key).

Phone Control: Provides a remote interactive phone capability that permits access to the security system from any off-site touch-tone telephone.

Security Codes: The system is capable of supporting an Installer code, Master user code and six additional User codes. Refer to the SECURITY CODES section for detailed information.


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Contents 6HFXULW\6\VWHP $%/2&217176 Hdwxuhv HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ66702959 LUH3URWHFWLRQ XUJODU\3URWHFWLRQ6HFXULW\&RGHV $ODUPVTo restart exit delay Checking system status To arm in Stay modeTo arm in Away mode To arm with no DelayTo turn Test mode on To remotely deactivate -10 devices 7To remotely bypass a zone To remotely activate forced bypass$ERXWWKH0DVWHU.H\SDG Hqhudo0DVWHU.H\SDGHILQLWLRQV Armed Ready67$786 $ERXWWKHLVSOD\DQG,QGLFDWRUV 0HDQLQJVKHFNLQJ6\VWHP6WDWXV \VWHP&DQ%H$UPHGRestarting Exit Delay While System Armed $UPLQJWKH6\VWHP$UPLQJLQ6WD\0RGH $UPLQJ,Q$ZD\0RGH$UPLQJWKH6\VWHPLWK1RHOD\ $$RU67 $KROGGRZQIDWOHDVWVHFRQGV4XLFN$UPLQJ Exit Alarms Exit Alarm Active QWU\HOD\LVDUPLQJWKH6\VWHP To disarm the system and silence burglary alarms0HPRU\RI$ODUP \SDVVLQJ,QGLYLGXDO=RQHV \SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHVRUFHG%\SDVV 3DQLF.H\V 3DQLF.H\V&KLPH0RGHKLPH0RGH 3DJLQJHDWXUH $XWRPDWLF3DJLQJRghrupdw 0DQXDO3DJLQJSystem Announcements Reminder AnnouncementsTo program Follow Me reminder telephone number To delete Follow Me reminder telephone numberYour user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7 HylfhhvfulswlrqvDevice Description 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH 0HVVDJH3OD\EDFNTo record a message Deleting MessagesTo adjust message playback/system announcement volume To restore announcement sounding0HVVDJH5HFRUGLQJ3OD\EDFN9ROXPH&RQWURO $GMXVWLQJ WKH9ROXPH$8XQFWLRQ 3HUIRUPLQJWKH$8IXQFWLRQORFN&DOHQGDU HourMinute MonthDay Year6FKHGXOLQJ8VHU,QWHUIDFH 6FKHGXOH = the value that was last stored in the memoryHJLQD\ LOO Yhqw WlilhuLjxuh QYDOLGGD\HWU\8VLQJ5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH EnterRemote Phone Control Commands 5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUHTo remotely deactivate X-10 devices 7 To remotely check system statusHQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Dvhriluh1DWLRQDOLUH 3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ·V 6PRNHHWHFWRU5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVPHUJHQF\YDFXDWLRQ 7R$GGHOHWHD8VHURU&KDQJHD8VHUV&RGH 6HFXULW\&RGHVChanging the Master User Code QWHULQJ7HVW0RGH LW7HVW0RGH\SLFDO7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQLVSOD\V 7URXEOH0HVVDJHV5RXWLQH&DUH 0DLQWDLQLQJ\RXUV\VWHP RZ%DWWHU\&RQGLWLRQVLQLUHOHVV6HQVRUVLED Meanings $1$$&6//151$8//151127,&7KLVLV D *UDGH $ Uhvlghqwldo V\V 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06 Servicing Information Owners Insurance Premium Credit Request Notifies Insert B = Burglary, F = FireOwners Insurance Premium Credit Request Away Mode Pager feature 19, 20 Limitations of this Alarm System ONE Year Limited Warranty 1276 1276 1276 1276 9Al