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If the Paging feature has been programmed for your system, your pager will respond to certain conditions as they occur in your system by displaying a message that indicates the type of condition that has occurred. The message appears in a 7-digit format explained below. The system can also be programmed to send up to 16 additional digits that will appear in front of the 7-digit message. These 16 digits may consist of a PIN number or special digits needed by the pager, account number, pauses, or any other special characters you may choose (for example, you may want to use a special character code to distinguish between security system messages and usual pager messages). See your installer if these additional characters are desired.


The Pager Code takes the following form: (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) EEE-00NNAAA… = Optional 16 digits, programmed by your installer.

EEE = 3-digit number describing the event that has occurred, as follows:

911 = Alarm (00NN following indicates the zone that caused the alarm)

101 = Open, system disarmed (00NN following indicates user number)

102 = Close, system armed (00NN following indicates user number)

811 = Trouble (00NN following indicates the zone that caused the trouble)

00NN = First two digits are always 00, followed by 2-digit user or zone number, depending on the type of event that occurred. If NN = 00, it can mean an AC loss has occurred, the system battery is low, or a 5827 wireless keypad battery is low. The Master Keypad will indicate the specific condition.


Pager displays:

This indicates your system is reporting an alarm (911) due to a fault on zone 4 (0004).

Pager displays: ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

This indicates that your system is reporting an open/disarm (101) by user 5 (0005).


In addition, your system may have been programmed to send a unique pager message when the


key is pressed (see AUX FUNCTION section for alternate function of this key). The actual message sent is 999-9999 (the hyphen may not appear, depending on your pager service). This code can be used to alert the person with the pager to whatever meaning you pre-arrange (e.g., “call home”). Ask your installer if this has been done for your system.

To manually send the pager message, if programmed:


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Image 19
Contents 6HFXULW\6\VWHP $%/2&217176 HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Hdwxuhv66702959 $ODUPV LUH3URWHFWLRQXUJODU\3URWHFWLRQ 6HFXULW\&RGHVTo arm with no Delay To restart exit delayChecking system status To arm in Stay mode To arm in Away modeTo remotely activate forced bypass To turn Test mode onTo remotely deactivate -10 devices 7 To remotely bypass a zoneHqhudo $ERXWWKH0DVWHU.H\SDGArmed Ready 0DVWHU.H\SDGHILQLWLRQV67$786 0HDQLQJV $ERXWWKHLVSOD\DQG,QGLFDWRUV\VWHP&DQ%H$UPHG KHFNLQJ6\VWHP6WDWXV$UPLQJ,Q$ZD\0RGH Restarting Exit Delay While System Armed$UPLQJWKH6\VWHP $UPLQJLQ6WD\0RGH$UPLQJWKH6\VWHPLWK1RHOD\ $$RU67 $KROGGRZQIDWOHDVWVHFRQGV4XLFN$UPLQJ QWU\HOD\ Exit Alarms Exit Alarm ActiveLVDUPLQJWKH6\VWHP To disarm the system and silence burglary alarms0HPRU\RI$ODUP \SDVVLQJ,QGLYLGXDO=RQHV \SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHVRUFHG%\SDVV 3DQLF.H\V 3DQLF.H\V&KLPH0RGHKLPH0RGH 0DQXDO3DJLQJ 3DJLQJHDWXUH$XWRPDWLF3DJLQJ RghrupdwReminder Announcements System AnnouncementsTo delete Follow Me reminder telephone number To program Follow Me reminder telephone numberYour user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7 HylfhhvfulswlrqvDevice Description Deleting Messages 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH0HVVDJH3OD\EDFN To record a message$GMXVWLQJ WKH9ROXPH To adjust message playback/system announcement volumeTo restore announcement sounding 0HVVDJH5HFRUGLQJ3OD\EDFN9ROXPH&RQWURO3HUIRUPLQJWKH$8IXQFWLRQ $8XQFWLRQMonth ORFN&DOHQGDUHour MinuteYear Day6FKHGXOLQJ8VHU,QWHUIDFH = the value that was last stored in the memory 6FKHGXOHHJLQD\ Yhqw Wlilhu LOOQYDOLGGD\HWU\ LjxuhEnter 8VLQJ5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUHTo remotely check system status Remote Phone Control Commands5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH To remotely deactivate X-10 devices 7Dvhriluh HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ6PRNHHWHFWRU5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 1DWLRQDOLUH 3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ·VPHUJHQF\YDFXDWLRQ 7R$GGHOHWHD8VHURU&KDQJHD8VHUV&RGH 6HFXULW\&RGHVChanging the Master User Code LW7HVW0RGH QWHULQJ7HVW0RGH\SLFDO7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQLVSOD\V 7URXEOH0HVVDJHV5RXWLQH&DUH RZ%DWWHU\&RQGLWLRQVLQLUHOHVV6HQVRUV 0DLQWDLQLQJ\RXUV\VWHPLED Meanings $1$$&6//151$8//151127,&7KLVLV D *UDGH $ Uhvlghqwldo V\V 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06 Servicing Information Notifies Insert B = Burglary, F = Fire Owners Insurance Premium Credit RequestOwners Insurance Premium Credit Request Away Mode Pager feature 19, 20 Limitations of this Alarm System ONE Year Limited Warranty 1276 1276 1276 1276 9Al