Honeywell LYNXR24 manual 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06

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In the event of telephone operational problems, disconnect the control by removing the plug from the RJ31X (CA38A in Canada) telephone wall jack. We recommend that your certified installer demonstrate disconnecting the phones on installation of the system. Do not disconnect the phone connection inside the control/communicator. Doing so will result in the loss of your phone lines. If the regular phone works correctly after the control/communicator has been disconnected from the phone lines, the control/communicator has a problem and should be returned for repair. If upon disconnection of the control/communicator, there is still a problem on the line, notify the telephone company that they have a problem and request prompt repair service. The user may not under any circumstances (in or out of warranty) attempt any service or repairs to the system. It must be returned to the factory or an authorized service agency for all repairs.

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Contents 6HFXULW\6\VWHP $%/2&217176 Hdwxuhv HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ66702959 LUH3URWHFWLRQ XUJODU\3URWHFWLRQ6HFXULW\&RGHV $ODUPVTo restart exit delay Checking system status To arm in Stay modeTo arm in Away mode To arm with no DelayTo turn Test mode on To remotely deactivate -10 devices 7To remotely bypass a zone To remotely activate forced bypass$ERXWWKH0DVWHU.H\SDG Hqhudo0DVWHU.H\SDGHILQLWLRQV Armed Ready67$786 $ERXWWKHLVSOD\DQG,QGLFDWRUV 0HDQLQJVKHFNLQJ6\VWHP6WDWXV \VWHP&DQ%H$UPHGRestarting Exit Delay While System Armed $UPLQJWKH6\VWHP$UPLQJLQ6WD\0RGH $UPLQJ,Q$ZD\0RGH4XLFN$UPLQJ $$RU67 $KROGGRZQIDWOHDVWVHFRQGV$UPLQJWKH6\VWHPLWK1RHOD\ Exit Alarms Exit Alarm Active QWU\HOD\0HPRU\RI$ODUP To disarm the system and silence burglary alarmsLVDUPLQJWKH6\VWHP RUFHG%\SDVV \SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV\SDVVLQJ,QGLYLGXDO=RQHV KLPH0RGH 3DQLF.H\V&KLPH0RGH3DQLF.H\V 3DJLQJHDWXUH $XWRPDWLF3DJLQJRghrupdw 0DQXDO3DJLQJSystem Announcements Reminder AnnouncementsTo program Follow Me reminder telephone number To delete Follow Me reminder telephone numberDevice Description HylfhhvfulswlrqvYour user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7 5HFRUGLQJD0HVVDJH 0HVVDJH3OD\EDFNTo record a message Deleting MessagesTo adjust message playback/system announcement volume To restore announcement sounding0HVVDJH5HFRUGLQJ3OD\EDFN9ROXPH&RQWURO $GMXVWLQJ WKH9ROXPH$8XQFWLRQ 3HUIRUPLQJWKH$8IXQFWLRQORFN&DOHQGDU HourMinute MonthDay Year6FKHGXOLQJ8VHU,QWHUIDFH 6FKHGXOH = the value that was last stored in the memoryHJLQD\ LOO Yhqw WlilhuLjxuh QYDOLGGD\HWU\8VLQJ5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUH EnterRemote Phone Control Commands 5HPRWH3KRQH&RQWUROHDWXUHTo remotely deactivate X-10 devices 7 To remotely check system statusHQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Dvhriluh1DWLRQDOLUH 3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ·V 6PRNHHWHFWRU5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVPHUJHQF\YDFXDWLRQ Changing the Master User Code 6HFXULW\&RGHV7R$GGHOHWHD8VHURU&KDQJHD8VHUV&RGH QWHULQJ7HVW0RGH LW7HVW0RGH5RXWLQH&DUH 7URXEOH0HVVDJHV\SLFDO7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQLVSOD\V 0DLQWDLQLQJ\RXUV\VWHP RZ%DWWHU\&RQGLWLRQVLQLUHOHVV6HQVRUVLED Meanings $1$$&6//151$8//151127,&7KLVLV D *UDGH $ Uhvlghqwldo V\V 17+91727/3+21235$7,21$/352%/06 Servicing Information Owners Insurance Premium Credit Request Notifies Insert B = Burglary, F = FireOwners Insurance Premium Credit Request Away Mode Pager feature 19, 20 Limitations of this Alarm System ONE Year Limited Warranty 1276 1276 1276 1276 9Al