Model W1823 (Mfg. Since 9/10)
8GGIFM<;FG<I8K@FE% Untrained operators can be seriously hurt by machinery. Only allow trained or properly supervised people to use machine. When machine is not being used, disconnect power, remove switch keys, or
FECPLJ<8J@EK<E;<;% Only use machine for its intended purpose. Never modify or alter machine for a purpose not intended by the manufacturer or serious injury may result!
LJ<I<:FDD<E;<;8::<JJFI@<J% Consult this owner’s manual or the manufacturer for recommended accessories. Using improper accessories will increase the risk of serious injury.
:?@C;I<E9PJK8E;<IJ% Keep children and bystanders a safe distance away from work area. Stop using machine if children or bystanders become a distraction.
I<DFM<8;ALJK@E>KFFCJ% Never leave adjustment tools, chuck keys, wrenches, etc. in or on
J<:LI@E>NFIBG@<:<% When required, use clamps or vises to secure workpiece. A secured workpiece protects hands and frees both of them to operate the machine.
=<<;;@I<:K@FE% Unless otherwise noted, feed work against the rotation of blades or cutters. Feeding in the same direction of rotation may pull your hand into the cut.
>L8I;J:FM<IJ% Guards and covers can protect you from accidental contact with moving parts or flying debris. Make sure they are properly installed, undamaged, and working correctly before using machine.
E<M<IJK8E;FED8:?@E<% Serious injury or accidental contact with cutting tool may occur if machine is tipped. Machine may be damaged.
JK89C<D8:?@E<% Unexpected movement during operations greatly increases the risk of injury and loss of control. Verify machines are stable/secure and mobile bases (if used) are locked before starting.
=FI:@E>D8:?@E<IP% Do not force machine. It will do the job safer and better at the rate for which it was designed.
8NBN8I;GFJ@K@FEJ% Keep proper footing and balance at all times when operating machine. Do not overreach! Avoid awkward hand positions that make workpiece control difficult or increase the risk of accidental injury.
LE8KK<E;<;FG<I8K@FE% Never leave machine running while unattended. Turn machine off and ensure all moving parts completely stop before walking away.
D8@EK8@EN@K?:8I<% Follow all maintenance instructions and lubrication schedules to keep machine in good working condition. An improperly maintained machine may increase the risk of serious injury.
:?<:B;8D8><;G8IKJ% Regularly inspect machine for damaged parts, loose bolts,
<OG<I@<E:@E>;@==@:LCK@<J% If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Contact our Technical Support for help at (360)